Archive for the 'French Words' Category
August 26, 2021
How to Say “I Love You” in French
Did you know that the French language does not differentiate between "love" and "like"? When you say J’aime le fromage, it means that you like cheese. But if you say Je t’aime, it stands for "I love you" in French and certainly not just "I like you."
This might be one of the reasons why the French are known to be rather quick about saying "I love you." Unlike other cultures, they don’t necessarily mean that they want to get married and spend the rest of their days with the person, but more like they really like the person and love spending time together.
But I’m getting ahead of myself! In this guide, we’ll talk about love, of course, but also about flirting and seduction—from first contact to sweet talk for lovebirds—staying in touch,... Show more
August 10, 2021
Negation in French: How to Say No and Deny Everything
Have you ever paid attention to all those books about The Gentle Art of Saying No, The Power of a Positive No, How to Say No Without Feeling Guilty, and many more?
Based on these titles, it would seem that there’s something inherently difficult about saying no. In fact, it could even be considered rude, insensitive, or socially disruptive......unless you happen to be in France! Here, you can safely say no to most questions without the need to carefully sugarcoat it.
Negation in French is rather similar to that in English, and once you’ve mastered the most basic structures, it shouldn’t give you any trouble.
In this guide, you’ll learn how to do negation in French. We’ll cover everything from the fundamentals to the more advanced... Show more
July 8, 2021
French Tenses Made Simple
Do you get tense when looking at French conjugation tables? Handling verbs in French can seem quite overwhelming at first: There are distinct endings for each pronoun, six different moods, and soooo many tenses!
But of course, there’s a trick. Once you take a closer look, it’s not nearly as complicated as you might think. These verb endings follow rules, only a fraction of French tenses are used in real life, and even fewer are useful in spoken French.
In this article, you’ll find a quick overview of the general rules concerning French verb conjugation. Then, we’ll dive right into the list of French tenses: present, past, and future. Oh, and there will be lots of cats involved... Show more
June 25, 2021
How Long Does it (Realistically) Take to Learn French?
This is the most frequently asked question about the language, and yet it has no definite answer. It depends on many things, such as your native language, education, experience with languages, exposure, and motivation.
Beyond that, how long it takes to learn French depends heavily on the proficiency level you want to achieve. Do you want to...
...reach a beginner level? able to make and understand very basic phrases related to everyday life? ...achieve an intermediate level that would allow you to get by in simple conversations on familiar topics? ...get to an advanced level, so you could have meaningful interactions and read or listen to virtually anything?
As you can imagine, these are very different goals with different... Show more
June 10, 2021
French Proverbs – An Insider Look at French Wisdom
Why are proverbs so popular? As old-fashioned as they can be, you read, hear, and use them on a daily basis. They reflect who we are and the values we stand for. They’re timeless and comforting, never seem to age, and always bring this old magical wisdom that helps us go through life.Personally, what I find fascinating about proverbs is how they serve as a window to different cultures. When I hear Chinese, Russian, or Indian proverbs, I feel like I’m entering a whole new world with a wildly different culture and mindset to learn from.
French proverbs are no different, and this is what I’m offering you in this article: a window to popular French wisdom, made up of common proverbs and old sayings. They might not instantly make you wiser,... Show more
May 13, 2021
English Words Used in French: Do You Speak Frenglish?
Did you know that nearly 30% of English words might be of French origin? This is still a hot topic among linguists, but it speaks volumes about how languages influence each other, especially now that globalization is going full throttle.
Conversely, the English language has long been influential in the evolution of French, but with the rise of the internet, new technologies, and the uncontested power of Hollywood, English terms and expressions have been literally pouring into the French language in recent years.
In this article, you’ll learn everything about English words used in French and this weird two-headed language called Frenglish. We’ll cover it all, from loanwords to the excesses of business Frenglish, mysterious syntax... Show more
April 23, 2021
An Overview of French Culture
Are you planning on visiting France soon? Or even on settling down? Maybe you’re just curious about the country in general. Whatever the reason, you’ve come to the perfect place to learn about what makes France so special.
France is considered one of the most culturally influential countries in the world, and this is not surprising. This country has a lot to offer: a wealth of history and art, fine food, booming entertainment industries, a chic fashion scene, and strong values.
On this page, you’ll learn the most important French culture facts, from core values to general lifestyle.
Table of Contents
French Values
Religions and Cults
Art and Entertainment
Food and Wine
French... Show more
March 29, 2021
A Finger-Licking Guide to French Food & Cuisine
If you were asked about the most delicious cuisine in the world, what countries would come to mind? According to most of the rankings I’ve read, France is often placed second, with Italy as the solid winner.
In 2010, UNESCO paid a gracious tribute to French gastronomy by inscribing it on the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity list. Let’s try to understand why French cuisine is held in such high regard around the world, and what makes it special.
In this article, I will present you with a list of eight French foods you must try, a French cuisine overview, the top words and expressions for talking about food and cooking in French, and much more.
Table of Contents
Must-Try French Dishes
Unique French Products
Food... Show more
March 4, 2021
Inspiration On Demand: 25 Famous French Quotes
Do you know why people love inspirational quotes so much? A quick look at any Instagram feed is enough to be convinced that there’s something universally compelling about them. We print them on T-shirts, display them on our walls or fridges, and even tattoo them on our skin.
I love to learn interesting quotes about a language I’m studying. Not just to memorize them and impress locals (although it can be a neat trick!), but to learn what they tell me about their culture and values.
This article on famous French quotes aims to give you the same immersive learning experience..."Tell me who you quote, I will tell you who you are." We’ve gathered for you the best and most famous French quotes about life, love, and much more. Consider it... Show more
February 11, 2021
Get Down to Business in French
Can you imagine going to a business meeting in France with no knowledge of business French? With a bit of reckoning and preparation, you can spare yourself a lot of embarrassment. All you need is a small set of business French phrases.
The world of work can be wildly different from one country to another, and when traveling somewhere for business—either permanently or as a visitor—you’ll have to quickly find your mark to make the best of your new business environment.
In this guide to phrases for doing business in French, you’ll learn everything you need to work in France or conduct your business with French-speaking partners. We’ll cover everything from coworkers and... Show more