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Connecting with French-Speaking Family
A little bit of language can help you mesh with your French-speaking in-laws or relatives.
43 Lessons Beginner
A little bit of language can help you mesh with your French-speaking in-laws or relatives.
43 Lessons Beginner
Shopping in France
Going shopping in France is even more fun when you can talk to the shop staff in French.
24 Lessons Beginner
Going shopping in France is even more fun when you can talk to the shop staff in French.
24 Lessons Beginner
Talking with Your French Partner
Communication is the cornerstone of a great relationship.
35 Lessons Beginner
Communication is the cornerstone of a great relationship.
35 Lessons Beginner
Extended Self-Introduction
Go beyond the self-introduction with the first of our core learning paths!
53 Lessons Beginner
Go beyond the self-introduction with the first of our core learning paths!
53 Lessons Beginner
Going Out in France: Level 2
Take the next step in developing your conversational French skills.
37 Lessons Beginner
Take the next step in developing your conversational French skills.
37 Lessons Beginner
Making Plans
With this core path, learn words, phrases, and grammar you need to make plans with those around you in France.
26 Lessons Beginner
With this core path, learn words, phrases, and grammar you need to make plans with those around you in France.
26 Lessons Beginner
Around the Home: Level 2
Learn words and phrases that you can use at home.
29 Lessons Beginner
Learn words and phrases that you can use at home.
29 Lessons Beginner
Culture Class: Holidays in France
Get up-to-speed on the most common holidays in France.
25 Lessons Beginner
Get up-to-speed on the most common holidays in France.
25 Lessons Beginner
Culture Class: French Superstitions and Beliefs
Can a loaf of bread summon an executioner? Learn this and many more superstitions.
5 Lessons Beginner
Can a loaf of bread summon an executioner? Learn this and many more superstitions.
5 Lessons Beginner
Beginner Season 1
Learn beginner French through native dialogues.
25 Lessons Beginner
Learn beginner French through native dialogues.
25 Lessons Beginner
Upper Beginner
Ingrid and Jason will teach you more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary.
25 Lessons Beginner
Ingrid and Jason will teach you more sophisticated grammar and vocabulary.
25 Lessons Beginner
Lower Beginner Season 1
Follow Jacques and his love interest Mireille as you learn lower beginner French.
25 Lessons Beginner
Follow Jacques and his love interest Mireille as you learn lower beginner French.
25 Lessons Beginner
Lower Beginner Season 2
This Lower Beginner French series is perfect for bridging the gap to Beginner!
25 Lessons Beginner
This Lower Beginner French series is perfect for bridging the gap to Beginner!
25 Lessons Beginner
Top 400 Activities: Daily Routines in French
Want to talk about your day in French? Learn 200 words and 200 sample sentences needed for daily life.
10 Lessons Beginner
Want to talk about your day in French? Learn 200 words and 200 sample sentences needed for daily life.
10 Lessons Beginner
Must-Know French Sentence Structures
Learn the most common French sentence structures.
25 Lessons Beginner
Learn the most common French sentence structures.
25 Lessons Beginner
Idioms and Proverbs
Learn some witty French proverbs and their origins.
5 Lessons Beginner
Learn some witty French proverbs and their origins.
5 Lessons Beginner
Culture Class: Essential French Vocabulary
Let French culture be your guide as you build up essential vocabulary and phrases.
25 Lessons Beginner
Let French culture be your guide as you build up essential vocabulary and phrases.
25 Lessons Beginner
Listening Comprehension for Absolute Beginners
Listen to the dialog, answer the question, then get a full breakdown.
25 Lessons Beginner
Listen to the dialog, answer the question, then get a full breakdown.
25 Lessons Beginner
Absolute Beginner French for Every Day
In this fast-paced and fun series you'll learn the most popular French phrases.
79 Lessons Beginner
In this fast-paced and fun series you'll learn the most popular French phrases.
79 Lessons Beginner
Reading Comprehension for Absolute Beginners
Try your hand at reading real French in context.
10 Lessons Beginner
Try your hand at reading real French in context.
10 Lessons Beginner
Learn French: The Top 10 Superstitions and Beliefs
Lidia explains some of the most well-known French superstitions and beliefs.
5 Lessons Beginner
Lidia explains some of the most well-known French superstitions and beliefs.
5 Lessons Beginner
Quick & Easy French Review for Beginners
You may have forgotten some of these words and phrases. Brush up now!
8 Lessons Beginner
You may have forgotten some of these words and phrases. Brush up now!
8 Lessons Beginner
Words of the Week with Lya for Beginners
These fun, bite-sized lessons will get you speaking French in no time!
25 Lessons Beginner
These fun, bite-sized lessons will get you speaking French in no time!
25 Lessons Beginner
Extensive Reading in French for Beginners
Break into reading French with these fun miniature books.
30 Lessons Beginner
Break into reading French with these fun miniature books.
30 Lessons Beginner
French Grammar Made Easy
We'll give you the key to mastering beginner-level rules.
17 Lessons Beginner
We'll give you the key to mastering beginner-level rules.
17 Lessons Beginner
Mastering French: Level 2
Bridge the gap to Intermediate French with this comprehensive pathway.
133 Lessons Beginner
Bridge the gap to Intermediate French with this comprehensive pathway.
133 Lessons Beginner
Living in France
Living abroad isn't easy. These lessons will help you find your voice in a new country.
70 Lessons Beginner
Living abroad isn't easy. These lessons will help you find your voice in a new country.
70 Lessons Beginner
French Teachers Answer Your Questions
We answer your most commonly asked language questions.
25 Lessons Beginner
We answer your most commonly asked language questions.
25 Lessons Beginner
The 800 Core Words and Phrases
Learn the 800 most common words and phrases with this video series.
40 Lessons Beginner
Learn the 800 most common words and phrases with this video series.
40 Lessons Beginner
Level 2 French
Start here for our official curated pathway for Level 2. This course is aligned with DELF A2 and level A2 of the CEFR.
80 Lessons • 191 Assessments Beginner
Start here for our official curated pathway for Level 2. This course is aligned with DELF A2 and level A2 of the CEFR.
80 Lessons • 191 Assessments Beginner
Can Assess a Person's Strengths and Weaknesses — Lesson1
This is a learning path for the first group lesson.
5 Lessons • 3 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the first group lesson.
5 Lessons • 3 Assessments Beginner
Can Recommend A Job Or Role — Lesson 2
This is a learning path for the second group lesson.
2 Lessons • 4 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the second group lesson.
2 Lessons • 4 Assessments Beginner
Can Talk About Your Free Time — Lesson 3
This is a learning path for the third group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the third group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
Can Give An Account Of Your Daily Routine — Lesson4
This is a learning path for the fourth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 3 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the fourth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 3 Assessments Beginner
Can Talk About the Frequency of Your Habits — Lesson 5
This is a learning path for the fifth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 5 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the fifth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 5 Assessments Beginner
Can Talk About Where You Live or Work — Lesson 6
This is a learning path for the sixth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the sixth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
Can Ask Where Family Members Live or Work — Lesson 7
This is a learning path for the seventh group lesson.
1 Lesson • 5 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the seventh group lesson.
1 Lesson • 5 Assessments Beginner
Can Express Your Food Preferences and Give an Opinion on the Taste of Food — Lesson 8
This is a learning path for the eighth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 2 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the eighth group lesson.
2 Lessons • 2 Assessments Beginner
Can Describe and Compare Places — Lesson 9
This is a learning path for the ninth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the ninth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 3 Assessments Beginner
Can Say What Season You Like the Best and Why — Lesson 10
This is a learning path for the tenth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 6 Assessments Beginner
This is a learning path for the tenth group lesson.
1 Lesson • 6 Assessments Beginner
Core Words and Phrases Season 2
A continuation of the "800 Core Words and Phrases" series. Learn the most common words and phrases and review with a quiz at the end.
121 Lessons • 60 Assessments Beginner
A continuation of the "800 Core Words and Phrases" series. Learn the most common words and phrases and review with a quiz at the end.
121 Lessons • 60 Assessments Beginner
Daily Conversations for Beginners
Master a quick French dialogue in just a few minutes.
25 Lessons Beginner
Master a quick French dialogue in just a few minutes.
25 Lessons Beginner
Level 2 French Dialogue Review
Master and review the level 2 pathway lesson dialogues.
3 Lessons Beginner
Master and review the level 2 pathway lesson dialogues.
3 Lessons Beginner
None of our lessons match your criteria
None of our lessons match your criteria