
Vocabulary (Review)

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Candice: Imagine you are at a restaurant in France. What do you do? Bonjour, je suis Candice. Candice here. Anyone can learn how to order food at a restaurant. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark, Karen, Marcel, and his wife are at a restaurant in France. Let's watch!
Waiter: Vous avez choisi?
Marcel: Je vais prendre un steak-frites.
Amélie: Moi, une ratatouille.
Mark: Moi, le poisson du jour.
Karen: Pour moi juste une salade s'il vous plaît.
Waiter: Et comme boissons?
Marcel: Une bouteille de vin blanc, s'il vous plaît.
Waiter: Ce sera tout?
Amélie: Oui, merci.
Candice: Now, with English!
Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Marcel: I will take a steak with fries.
Amélie: I will take a ratatouille.
Mark: I will take today's fish.
Karen: Just a salad for me please.
Waiter: What about drinks?
Marcel: A bottle of white wine, please.
Waiter: Will that be all?
Amélie: Yes, thank you.
Candice: Here are the key words from the scene.
Yasmine: ratatouille, ratatouille
Becky: ratatouille
Yasmine: ratatouille, ratatouille, ratatouille
Yasmine: poisson, poisson
Becky: fish
Yasmine: poisson, poisson, poisson
Yasmine: steak frites, steak frites
Becky: steak and fries
Yasmine: steak frites, steak frites, steak frites
Yasmine: salade, salade
Becky: salad
Yasmine: salade, salade, salade
Yasmine: vin blanc, vin blanc
Becky: white wine
Yasmine: vin blanc, vin blanc, vin blanc
Yasmine: boisson, boisson
Becky: drink
Yasmine: boisson, boisson, boisson
Candice: And now, a breakdown of some of French you heard in the scene.
Becky: In the scene, how does Marcel ask for his order?
Marcel: Je vais prendre...
Yasmine: Je vais prendre... Je vais prendre...
Becky: "I will take..." The word...
Yasmine: je
Becky: …is the pronoun "I" and the word...
Yasmine: vais
Becky: …is the conjugated form of the verb...
Yasmine: aller,
Becky: "to go." In this case, it is in the future, so it means, "will." The last word is...
Yasmine: prendre
Becky: "take."
Becky: This phrase is not only used in restaurants, but in bakeries, butcher shops; anywhere food is sold. To be polite, make sure to add...
Yasmine: s'il vous plaît
Becky: "please," at the end.
Becky: If you want to ask for today's special at a restaurant, you can say...
Yasmine: Je vais prendre le plat du jour s'il vous plaît
Becky: "I will take today's special please."
Becky: Now, you try! Say Marcel's line.
Waiter: Vous avez choisi?
Marcel: Je vais prendre un steak-frites.
Becky: How did the waiter ask if the group had finished ordering?
Waiter: Ce sera tout?
Yasmine: Ce sera tout? Ce sera tout?
Becky: "Will that be all?" The word...
Yasmine: ce
Becky: is literally "this" and the word...
Yasmine: sera
Becky: is the conjugated form of the verb...
Yasmine: être
Becky: "to be." In the future, it becomes "will" and finally, the word...
Yasmine: tout
Becky: is "all" or "everything."
Becky: This is a polite expression normally used by waiters to ask if their customer's order is complete.
Becky: Now, you try! Say the waiter's line.
Marcel: Une bouteille de vin blanc, s'il vous plaît....
Waiter: Ce sera tout?

Lesson focus

Candice: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how to order food at a restaurant in France.
Becky: Some places are really popular, especially in the big cities. That's why it's a good idea to make a reservation. If you get on the waiting list, there is a chance someone might cancel and you can get in at the last minute.
Becky: Reservations are usually made over the phone. Just tell their staff what day, time and how many people will be in your party. If you feel a little uncomfortable speaking French you can ask...
Yasmine: Parlez-vous anglais?
Becky: "Do you speak English?" Most places have staff that speak a little bit. If you are still worried, many places take reservations online or even by fax.
Becky: Here is how to order food at a restaurant in France.
Becky: The most important thing to remember is to be polite. It’s a good idea to say…
Yasmine: Bonjour, s'il vous plaît and je vous remercie.
Becky: "hello," "please" and "thank you." When you are deciding what to order, and want to know what the daily special is, you can say...
Yasmine: Quel est le plat du jour?
Becky: "What is today's special?" Or if you want the waiter or waitresses' recommendation you can ask...
Yasmine: Que recommandez-vous?
Becky: "What do you recommend?"
Becky: Most places have plenty of options for vegetarians and vegans, too, so don't worry if you have certain dietary restrictions.
Becky: If everything looks great and you still don't know what to order, you can say...
Yasmine: Je n'ai pas encore choisi or je ne sais pas encore
Becky: "I haven't decided yet,” and they'll give you a few more minutes.
Becky: When you have finally decided, you can use the phrase...
Yasmine: Je vais prendre...s'il vous plaît.
Becky: "I will take..." and add what you would like to order before the words.
Yasmine: S’il vous plaît.
Becky: After giving your order, your waiter might ask you...
Yasmine: Ce sera tout?
Becky: "Will that be all?" so make sure to listen for it!
Becky: Usually, French waiters and waitresses are really polite and will not interrupt you when you're having dinner. Therefore, if you're ready to get the check, you have to get their attention. Simply say...
Yasmine: Excusez-moi, l'addition s'il vous plaît.
Becky: "Excuse-me, the bill please."
Becky: Most restaurants in France have a service charge. But the good news is, tipping is more of a courtesy. It is not required and it's not considered rude if you don't tip.
Becky: If you really liked the service and would like to give the waiter or waitress something, the average is 5 or 10% of the bill.
Candice: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You're at a restaurant in France. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: How do you ask what the daily special is in French?
Yasmine: Quel est le plat du jour?
Becky: How do you ask for the waiter or waitresses' recommendation?
Yasmine: Que recommandez-vous?
Becky: How will you tell the waiter or waitress what you want to order at a restaurant in France?
Yasmine: Je vais prendre...
Becky: How do you get the waiter or waitresses' attention when you're ready for the bill?
Yasmine: Excusez-moi, l'addition s'il vous plaît.
Becky: Great job!
Yasmine: Quel est le plat du jour?
Yasmine: Que recommandez-vous?
Yasmine: Je vais prendre...
Yasmine: Excusez-moi, l'addition s'il vous plaît.


Candice: Bon travail! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, you are ready to order at a restaurant in France. Have a good time! À la prochaine!
Waiter: Vous avez choisi?
Marcel: Je vais prendre un steak-frites.
Amélie: Moi, une ratatouille.
Mark: Moi, le poisson du jour.
Karen: Pour moi juste une salade s'il vous plaît.
Waiter: Et comme boissons?
Marcel: Une bouteille de vin blanc, s'il vous plaît.
Waiter: Ce sera tout?
Amélie: Oui, merci.

