
Lesson Transcript

Welcome to Can-Do French by FrenchPod101.com!
Bonjour à tous. Je suis Lya Mercier.
Hi everyone! I'm Lya Mercier.
In this lesson, you'll learn how to tell someone where you're from in French.
This is Mark Lee, and he's on a plane to France.
Hugues Henry, a passenger sitting next to him, asks,
"Where are you from?"
Hugues Henry: D'où venez-vous ?
Listen to the conversation, and focus on Mark's response.
Note: The speakers in this conversation use formal French.
Hugues Henry: D'où venez-vous ?
Mark Lee: Je viens de New York.
Once more with the English translation.
Hugues Henry: D'où venez-vous ?
Hugues Henry: "Where are you from?"
Mark Lee: Je viens de New York.
Mark Lee: "I'm from New York."

