FrenchPod101 Audio Blogs S3 Curriculum 

The Advanced Audio Blog is a series entirely in French, spoken at natural native speed and covering French culture, current events and much more! In Season 3, Virginie will give you a tour of a French grocery, tell you what it’s like going to school in France and much more! The transcript of each audio blog can be found in the comments section of each lesson.

Lesson # Title Topic Summary Cultural Fact Vocab
1 Is Your Tuner Programmed to Broadcast French Radio? Radio Finding the right frequency, music on the radio, internet radio se tenir informé
tout un tas de choses
se distraire
faire la vaisselle
être branché sur
capter les ondes
un baladeur MP3
2 It's Labor Day…Did You Check the French Weather Report Today? Labor Day Long weekends, Clever Bison's traffic advice, importance of Labor Day, big demonstration, lily of the valley un jour férié
faire le pont
un jour chômé
flash d’information sur le trafic routier
un embouteillage
les transports en commun
une manifestation
un syndicat
le muguet
un étal de marché
3 Take a Walk Along a French River and Enjoy the Culture of Nantes! Nantes Location, history, climate, natural scenery, medieval Bouffay district le commerce triangulaire
une demi-douzaine
le bord
une décennie
un précurseur
4 What Do You Need from the French Supermarket? Supermarket Crowdedness, product sections, food selection, checkout une corvée
faire les courses
faire de la monnaie
un caddie/un chariot
les fournitures scolaires
un rayon
la caisse
ranger les courses
se bagarrer
5 What's Your Favorite Food to Eat in France? Restaurants Pizzerias, Chinese, Italian, brasserie, regional restaurants, fusion une dizaine
se faire un restaurant
le sucré et le salé
le rapport qualité prix
passer un bon moment
un bouchon
6 What Do You Recall from Your Childhood in France? Childhood memories School schedules, sweets on the way home, after-school snack, TV cartoons une tartine
un bonbec
le collège
fourré(e) à
tourner le dos (à)
un dessin animé
7 We Had the Greatest Time Playing Games Last Night in France! Games Frog game, Sheep War, Shababada, Elixir, RPGs, murder mysteries un jeu de société
un jeu d'adresse
un jeu de rôle
résoudre une enquête
se déguiser
8 French Television Series Are All the Rage in France!!! TV shows Popularity of U.S. shows, French serials, sketch shoes, parodies faire un tabac
heure de grande écoute
le quotidien
être décliné sous plusieurs formats
faire fureur
9 Get Tips and Secrets for a Great Ride on the French Railway System! French railways La Rochelle's station and its layout, kinds of tickets, layout of France's rail lines le prix d'un billet de train
une verrière
un guichet
une file d'attente
avoir droit à
un chemin de traverse
le réseau ferroviaire
un bon plan
10 Does Your Country Handle Unemployment Like France? Unemployment Appointment with ASSEDIC, interview with ANPE agent, Pôle Emploi, monthly sessions at reference agency, declaring income on the internet un poste
se terminer
le droit au chômage
un entretien
entrer des données
le revenu
11 Don't Miss the Magic and Grandeur of the French Royal de Luxe! Magic show Royal de Luxe troupe, description of program, popularity laisser un souvenir impérissable
les gradins
se dresser
me direz-vous
sans compter sur
un objet de récupération
12 Have You Experienced the History in la Bretagne, France? Brittany Location, history, division, food la Seconde Guerre Mondiale
tant sur…que sur…
le froment
un tablier
une coiffe
13 Spend a Peaceful Sunday Afternoon with Us in France! Sunday in France Sleeping, mass and its decline, breakfast, shopping, lunch, talking, relaxing faire la grasse matinée
une viennoiserie
vaquer à ses occupations
mettre l'eau à la bouche
le déjeuner dominical
une pâtisserie
14 Your Hotel Room in France was a French Art Exhibit?! Estuary art When and where the event happens, history and program, focus on local environment as well as art biennale
un haut-parleur
un entrepôt
15 French Comic Strips Prove That Comics Aren't Just for Kids Anymore! Comic strips Originally aimed at kids, now expanding toward adults, comic strip festival at Angoulême une bande-dessinée (une BD)
les Schtroumpfs
la jeunesse
une couverture cartonnée
une quarantaine
une case
une oeuvre
C'est énorme.
C'est géant.
16 Who's Up for a Good Old-Fashioned French Game of Pétanque?! The game of pétanque How the game works (throwing metal balls at a target ball), where it's played (a special ground), one lazy player Breaking into the game et ainsi de suite
une cour
un terrain en pente
se marrer
run joueur du dimanche
17 Relax and Listen to Music at a 3-Day French Music Festival…or Two! Rock festivals at St. Malo Descriptions of rock festivals at Ft. St. Father and on the beach at St. Malo Other summer rock festivals in France génial(e)
une file de voiture
les douves
la musique indé
ça suffit
être un mordu de
être entouré de
18 If Only for a Moment, Time Stands Still in France! Apéritifs Synonyms, examples, snack pairings, health trend, congenial atmosphere Companionship > food un pilier
les proches
une cacahuète
19 Did You Cast Your Ballot in the French Election? Election season When elections happen, what to bring, where to go, how to vote, political parties, how often elections happen un bureau de vote
une liste électoralese dérouler
le jour J
un bulletin de vote
20 Which French Newspaper Do You Enjoy Reading? Newspapers Regional papers, daily papers, free papers Newspapers online un buraliste
un hebdomadaire
une petite annonce
une voiture d'occasion
se touner vers
la ligne éditoriale
la mise en page
21 Practice French by Reading French Historical Dramas! Historical dramas Maurice Druon's series: 14th-century, between Capetian and Valoi dynasties, wedding customs, TV adaptations Paris's most historical sections un tome
j'ai hâte de
un siècle
la dot
un intrigant
22 Create Your Own French Herb, Flower, or Vegetable Garden! Gardening Popularity, products, types of gardens (flowers and food) un mètre carré
une parcelle
un jardin communal
la ciboulette
le persil
le romarin
le chèvrefeuille
23 I'm Dreaming of a Beautiful French Christmas! Christmas When it's celebrated (12/24-25), how people celebrate (family meal on Christmas Eve, another meal on Christmas Day, gifts), how Christophe celebrated this one le réveillon de Noël
la belote
un bonhomme
une bûche de Noël
24 Saying Hello in French Doesn't Have to Be Difficult! Greetings Ways to say hello: handshake, kiss (kiss customs), pronoun usage ("vous" vs. "tu") Kissing is fine, but hugging is too intimate une bise
oter une épine du pied
se serrer la main
le vouvoiement
le tutoiement
25 How Long Has it Been Since You Visited a French Movie Theater? Le Cinématographe Layout, philosophy, program, volunteer work un bénévole
ne pas supporter
un film muet
un film d'art et d'essai
projeter un film