
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Céline: Bonjour! Je m’appelle Céline.
Sylvain : Et je m’appelle Sylvain.
Céline: Aujourd’hui, nous allons vous aider à étudier le français. We are here to help you study French.
Sam: Merci, Céline. Merci, Sylvain. Thank you, Céline and Sylvain.
Céline: Merci, Sam !
Sylvain : Merci, Sam.
Sam: So guys, what are we going to study today?
Céline: Well, today we're going to ask about origin and nationality using the verb "être."
Sylvain : Sounds good to me.
Sam: In today's lesson, Julie and Robert will be talking about Robert's home town. Shall we start?
Céline: C’est parti.
Sylvain : Allons-y.
Sam: Let's go.
Céline: D’ où vous êtes?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Vous êtes allemand?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français.
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Céline: Ok. C’est parti, plus lentement.
Céline: D’ où vous êtes?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Vous êtes allemand?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français.
Sam: One more time with the English.
Céline: D’ où vous êtes? Where are you from?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim. Me, I am from Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Vous êtes allemand? Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Are you German?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français. No, it's Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. I am French.
Sam: Now...
Céline: The informal one.
Céline: D’ où tu es?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Tu es allemand?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français.
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Céline: Ok. C’est parti, plus lentement.
Céline: D’ où tu es?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Tu es allemand?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français.
Sam: One more time with the English.
Céline: D’ où tu es? Where are you from?
Sylvain : Moi, je suis de Kleinfrankenheim. Me, I am from Kleinfrankenheim.
Céline: Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Tu es allemand? Kla-hin-frank-hen-stha-in? Are you German?
Sylvain : C’est Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. Non, je suis français. It's Klein-fran-ken-ha-im. No, I am French.
Céline: Sylvain, have you ever been to Kleinfrankenheim?
Sylvain : Klein what?
Céline: Kleinfrankenheim.
Sylvain : Never been there.
Céline: No! Sam?
Sam: This morning.
Céline: Wow.
Sylvain : Every day of the week.
Céline: So I guess they speak German and French both?
Sylvain : Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Céline: Ok.
Sylvain : It is near the frontier. That's why.
Céline: Oh, ok.
Sylvain : Alsace is not German.
Sam: Oh, the frontier like the border? The boundary line between the countries?
Sylvain : Thank you. Thank you! Ok, not the frontier, but the border.
Céline: So, the northern part, right? Not east?
Sylvain : Nord, sud, est. Nord, sud, est.
Céline: Est.
Sam: East?
Céline: Est.
Sylvain : Oh, thank you. Thank you.
Céline: But that was French.
Sylvain : I am learning English here.
Céline: "Est" was French.
Sylvain : Ok, it's really near the frontier, but alsacien is not German.
Sam: The border?
Céline: The border.
Sam: What's the French word for border?
Céline: frontière.
Sam: frontière. Oh, ok.
Céline: Ok, so let's move on to the vocab now, guys.
Sam: Let's look at our first word.
Céline: Où
Sam: Where.
Céline: Où. Où.
Sam: Next word.
Sylvain : Être
Sam: To be.
Sylvain : Être. Être.
Sam: Next word.
Céline: Allemand.
Sam: German.
Céline: Allemand. Allemand.
Sam: Next word.
Sylvain : Non.
Sam: No.
Sylvain : Non. Non.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Français.
Sam: French, masculine.
Céline: Français. Français.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Française
Sam: French, feminine.
Céline: Française. Française.
Céline: So let's have a look at the usage of some words. Let's start with "où."
Sam: That means "where." Sylvain, can you give us an example of the word "où" in a sentence?
Sylvain : Où est mon téléphone portable?
Céline: Where is my mobile phone?
Sam: Sometimes, in English, people say mobile instead of mobile phone. Can you do the same thing in French?
Sylvain : Just say "mon mobile." It's like saying "my mobile." Same spelling, too.
Céline: The word "portable" can be a bit tricky in French.
Sylvain : Yeah, I know some people say “ordinateur portable” . Lots of things are "portable." If you are referring for mobile phone, or...
Sam: Portable.
Sylvain : Yeah, yeah. "Portable."
Sam: Portable.
Sylvain : I cannot say it!
Céline: But he's explaining it in French.
Sam: I'm just helping him understand. Portable.
Sylvain : If you are referring to "portable," "téléphone portable," a mobile phone, just say "my mobile." Mon mobile. But French people use to say "mon portable."
Sam: Portable?
Sylvain : Yeah.
Sam: Oh, ok. Got you. Let's go back to the word, "être."
Sylvain : Ah un verbe!
Sam: That's correct. "Être" is the verb "to be." Let's see the conjugations. Throw some examples at us, Céline .
Céline: Je suis française.
Sam: I am French.
Céline: Tu es français, Sylvain?
Sylvain : Euh oui. Et toi, tu es français Sam?
Sam: Non, je suis américain, mais vous êtes françaises. I'm American, but you're French.
Céline: Eh oui! Exactement.
Sam: Both of you guys are French.
Sylvain : Stop, stop, stop. Can you repeat it, please?
Sam: Ok. Je suis américain mais vous êtes françaises.
Céline: Ah-ha. Ok. Are you talking to me? Or are you talking to both of us?
Sam: I don't know. Both of you?
Céline: Ah, non. Boo. That was wrong.
Sylvain : Then I will be a girl.
Sam: Oh, sorry.
Sylvain : I will be a girl.
Sam: Oh, so Sylvain, tu es français?
Sylvain : That's right.
Sam: Céline , tu es française?
Sylvain : Ping pong.
Sam: Ah, ok.
Céline: And vous êtes français.
Sam: Vous êtes français. Like "you guys."
Céline: Yeah.
Sam: The group.
Sylvain : Yeah. Céline will explain to us the rule of the masculine and the feminine.
Céline: Ah bon?
Sam: Subject-verb agreement? Ok.
Céline: If you're talking to two people, ok. Two girls. You say: Vous êtes françaises.
Sam: Ok.
Céline: If you're talking two people, and there's a man and a woman: Vous êtes français.
Sam: What if there's one man and ten women?
Sylvain : If there's one man and one hundred women, we will say: Vous êtes français.
Céline: Yeah, man wins.
Sam: I would ask why, but maybe it's just a grammar rule.
Céline: Yeah, I think so.
Sam: Ok. Got you.
Sylvain : You're perfect, Sam. Thank you.
Céline: We can also use "être," "to be," to talk about jobs. Je suis chanteuse. I am a singer.
Sylvain : Je suis médecin. I am a doctor.
Sam: If I'm a dancer, je suis danseur?
Céline: Exact.

Lesson focus

Sam: Ok, let's get into the grammar. We started a bit early on that, but let's talk about it some more.
Sylvain : Good idea.
Sam: I think so.
Céline: Ok, so the main point is "Where are you from?" In French, Sylvain?
Sylvain : Tu es d’où? Tu es d’où?
Céline: Exactement. Example: Sam tu es d’où?
Sam: Je suis de...
Sylvain : We surely don't know the place, but please, tell it.
Sam: Je suis de Delaware.
Sylvain : Delaware!
Céline: Delaware.
Sylvain : Delaware.
Sam: Delaware.
Céline: Delaware.
Sylvain : No. Sorry, Sam.
Sam: No problem.
Sylvain : Et Céline tu es d’où?
Céline: Je suis de Toulouse.
Sylvain : Toulouse.
Céline: Exactement. La ville rose.
Sylvain : La ville rose.
Céline: The pink city.
Sylvain : Le soleil.
Céline: Exactement.
Sylvain : With the sun.
Céline: Et toi Sylvain tu es d’où?
Sylvain : Je suis de Paris. La ville lumière.
Céline: Exactement.
Sylvain : Grise en hiver.
Sam: City of lights.
Sylvain : And grey winters.
Sam: Grey in winter? Oh.
Sylvain : You have to enjoy the Paris rain in winter. It's great.
Sam: I'm sure it's beautiful.
Céline: So, basically, don't be confused with “vous êtes d’ où” and “vous êtes où?”.
Sylvain : Yeah.
Céline: So “vous êtes d’où?” is "Where are you from?" and “Vous êtes où?” is "Where are you?" So "from" is “d'”
Sam: Ah. "D' où," "Where are you from?" "Où," Where.
Céline: Exactement.
Sam: I understand.
Sylvain : Vous êtes où maintenant? Sam, Céline?
Céline: Euh, je suis au studio.
Sylvain : Très bien. Très bien.
Sam: Moi aussi je suis au studio. I'm also in the studio. So the question was, "Where are you?" The answer was, "I am in the studio." And Sylvain, also asked me the same question...
Sylvain : Où êtes-vous?
Sam: Where are you? Je suis au studio. I am in the studio.
Céline: Exactement.
Sam: Well, guys, that's a wrap. Thank you once again for listening to FrenchPod101.com. And there's something very important in our PDF. Sylvain, can you explain the important verb in the PDF?
Sylvain : Yeah, the verb is “être”. Etre is really a vital verb. You have to learn it, and you have to learn the conjugation of the verb “être”. It's really important, and believe me, you have to learn it.
Sam: I agree.
Céline: You must. You must.
Sam: Yeah.
Sylvain : You must.
Sam: You must.


Sylvain : You must, and you will. This verb is so important. If you don't know how to conjugate this verb, how-- how do you say in English? You'll be [bleep].
Sam: Whoa! We can't say [bleep].
Céline: So you just said it!
Sylvain : He said it also!
Sam: Well, we can't say that word, but if you don't know the conjugations of this verb, you will have some difficulty saying certain things.
Céline: Exactly.
Sylvain : I agree.
Céline: Merci beaucoup.
Sylvain : Merci beaucoup.
Sam: Thank you. Bye-bye.
Sylvain : À bientôt.


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