
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Céline: Bonjour, je m’appelle Céline.
Sylvain: Bonjour, c’est Sylvain ici.
Sam: Sam here. Thanks, Sylvain. Thanks, Céline. In the last lesson, we talked about an encounter at the market.
Céline: Yeah. And how about this lesson?
Sam: This lesson's conversation takes place at a party. The conversation's between two people, Robert and Julie.
Céline: So I'll be Julie Dupond, while Sylvain will be Robert Martin.
Céline: Oh Robert! Encore vous!
Sylvain: Bonsoir. Comment allez-vous?
Céline: Très bien, merci. Bonne soirée.
Sylvain: À bientôt!
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Céline: Ok. C’est parti, plus lentement.
Céline: Oh Robert! Encore vous!
Sylvain: Bonsoir. Comment allez-vous?
Céline: Très bien, merci. Bonne soirée.
Sylvain: À bientôt!
Sam: One more time, with the English.
Céline: Oh Robert! Encore vous! Oh, Robert! You again!
Sylvain: Bonsoir. Comment allez-vous? Good evening. How are you?
Céline: Très bien, merci. Bonne soirée. Very good, thank you. Enjoy the party!
Sylvain: À bientôt! See you soon.
Sam: Now...
Céline: The informal one.
Céline: Oh Robert encore toi?
Sylvain: Salut, comment tu vas?
Céline: Très bien, merci. À plus.
Sylvain: À bientôt!
Sam: One more time, slowly.
Céline: Ok. C’est parti, plus lentement.
Céline: Oh Robert encore toi?
Sylvain: Salut, comment tu vas?
Céline: Très bien, merci. À plus.
Sylvain: À bientôt!
Sam: One more time, with the English.
Céline: Oh Robert encore toi? Oh, Robert. You again.
Sylvain: Salut, comment tu vas? Hi. How is it going?
Céline: Très bien, merci. À plus. Very good, thank you. Later!
Sylvain: À bientôt! See you soon.
Sam: For acquaintances, they bump into each other a lot don't they?
Céline: Yes. That we can definitely say.
Sam: When should one feel comfortable switching to informal French when speaking with someone?
Céline: Yeah, it depend where you are. What do you think, Sylvain?
Sylvain: Good question. Thank you to ask. It depends on what's your feeling with the person. If you want to get closer in the relationship or-- And the place, also.
Sam: I see. So if you're at a party and you're talking for a few minutes, can you switch to informal French?
Céline: Sure. You can. No problem.
Sylvain: Yeah. It means you're cool and...
Céline: Or you're drunk. I don't know. Maybe.
Sam: Or both.
Céline: Or both.
Sylvain: The same. The same.
Céline: So let's see the vocab and phrases for this lesson.
Sam: Ok. First word, Sylvain?
Sylvain: Encore.
Sam: Again.
Sylvain: Encore. Encore.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Comment.
Sam: How.
Céline: Comment. Comment.
Sam: Next.
Sylvain: Aller.
Sam: To go.
Sylvain: Aller. Aller.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Très.
Sam: Very.
Céline: Très. Très.
Sam: Next.
Sylvain: Toi.
Sam: You.
Sylvain: Toi. Toi.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Bonsoir.
Sam: Good evening or Good night.
Céline: Bonsoir. Bonsoir.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Bientôt.
Sam: Soon.
Céline: Bientôt. Bientôt.
Sam: Next.
Céline: La soirée.
Sam: The party or the evening.
Céline: La soirée. La soirée.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Merci.
Sam: Thank you.
Céline: Merci. Merci.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Bien.
Sam: Good.
Céline: Bien. Bien.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Tu.
Sam: You.
Céline: Tu. Tu.
Céline: So let's have a look at the usage of some words and phrases. We will first look at “encore”.
Sam: Again.
Céline: “Encore” has two meanings.
Sam: Ok.
Céline: Again, so like "we meet again."
Sylvain: Oh, encore!
Céline: And it can also mean "still." As in, “Il dort encore.”
Sam: He's still asleep.
Céline: Yeah. Wake up, Sylvain.
Sam: That's a nice transition to the next word.
Céline: Comment tu vas?
Sam: How are you?
Sylvain: Bien, merci. Well, thank you.
Sam: Comment is an interrogative pronoun meaning "how." Can we have another example?
Sylvain: Comment vous allez à la maison? How do you go home?
Sam: Ok. Now, let's see a really important verb, “aller”. To go. You use it in French quite a bit, so try to remember it. But this will be for the grammar part. More examples?
Céline: Tu vas au cinéma demain.
Sam: You're going to see a movie tomorrow.
Sylvain: Vous allez au cinéma! Je peux venir?
Sam: You're going to see a movie! Can I come?
Sylvain: Euh… Très bien, bon.
Céline: Very well. So nice transition to the next word, "très."
Sam: This is an invariable adverb intensifying the meaning of the adjective after it. For example...
Sylvain: Je suis très fatigué. I'm really tired.
Céline: Ok. Let's see the last word, “toi.”
Sam: You. It's not "vous?"
Céline: The latter one, "vous" is formal, but the former, “toi” is not the subject form of you, "tu." It's the form used independently or after a preposition. For example, Sylvain.
Sylvain: Sam, Céline va au cinéma avec toi?
Sam: Oui. Céline va au cinéma avec moi.
Céline: Ok, Sylvain asked, "Sam, Céline will go to see a movie with you?" "Yes."
Sam: We will decide which film we will see, but before we do that, let's have a look at the grammar. Now we threw a lot at you here, but we're just getting you ready. After a few more lessons, things will really come together, and it will be so much easier for you. What do you guys think?
Céline: I think you're right. You're always right.
Sylvain: That's right!
Sam: Of course, I'm always right.

Lesson focus

Céline: So, the main grammar point is?
Sam: How are you?
Céline: Yeah, it is “how are you?” You're right, Sam.
Sam: As always, I'm right.
Céline: So to ask how a person is in French, we use the verb “aller”.
Sam: For example?
Sylvain: Comment allez-vous?
Sam: How are you?
Céline: Je vais très bien.
Sam: Ooh, let me try. Sylvain, comment allez-vous?
Sylvain: Très bien, merci.
Sam: So I asked Sylvain how he was, and he said, "Very good. Thank you." Céline, can I ask you the same question?
Céline: Sure.
Sam: Comment allez-vous?
Céline: Très bien, Merci.
Sam: So, I asked Céline how she was, and her answer was, "Very good. Thank you."
Céline: Ok, and just remember this is a formal situation. Let's try the informal situation now.
Sylvain: Comment ça va?
Sam: Ca va, merci. Et toi?
Sylvain: Bien.
Sam: So the question was, "How are you?" The response was, "I'm well, thank you. And you?"
Sylvain: Exactement. And he answered, "Me, too. I'm ok."
Céline: Sure.
Sam: Remember, guys. It's always a good idea to ask the other speaker how they're doing as well.
Céline: Of course. That's in French and English and Spanish, too.
Sam: Because some people ask and then they...
Sylvain: They leave.
Sam: Yeah, yeah. Or they answer the question, “ça va?”, “Ca va”.
Céline: Yeah.
Sylvain: Then never forget the “et toi?” in an informal situation and “et vous?” in a formal situation.
Sam: Of course.
Céline: Yeah. So let's see the conjugation of the verb “aller”.
Sylvain: Je vais.
Sam: I go.
Céline: Tu vas.
Sam: You go.
Sylvain: Il va.
Sam: He goes.
Céline: Elle va.
Sam: She goes.
Céline: So attention, this not all the conjugation. Let's go progressively.


Sam: But maybe, if they want to know the other conjugation, they could look at the PDF.
Céline: Exactly.
Sam: At FrenchPod101.com.
Sylvain: That's right.
Céline: Ok, so this is the end of today's lesson.
Sam: See you soon! À bientôt!
Céline: À bientôt! Merci!
Sylvain: À bientôt.


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Dialog (Formal)

Dialog (Informal)

Review Track

