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Gabriella: Bonjour tout le monde ! Je m'appelle Gabriella. A French Wedding Invitation.
Jeremy: Moi, c'est Jeremy.
Gabriella: Let's get started. Quel est le sujet de la leçon d'aujourd'hui ?
Jeremy: In this lesson, you’ll learn about future indicators. The conversation is between Marc, Vincent and Laure.
Gabriella: Ok, donc c'est une conversation informelle ?
Jeremy: Oui, et Vincent et Laure ont une grande nouvelle à annoncer à Marc.
Gabriella: Let’s listen to the conversation.
Vincent: Marc, on a une grande nouvelle à t'annoncer ! Ton oncle Julien va se marier l'an prochain !
Marc : Tonton Julien ?
Laure : Oui, tu sais, ton oncle aux Etats-Unis !
Marc : Oh, c'est super ! On va y aller alors ?
Vincent : Oui, c'est ça, nous sommes invités à la cérémonie. On y restera quelques jours.
Marc : Oh lala, j'ai hâte de voir la robe de la mariée...
Laure : Mmmh, eh bien, c'est que ton oncle vit avec... son copain !
Marc : Oh, Tonton est gay ? Ils vont être classes en costume tous les deux !! Alors, on y va quand ?
Gabriella: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
Vincent: Marc, on a une grande nouvelle à t'annoncer ! Ton oncle Julien va se marier l'an prochain !
Vincent: Marc, we've got great news for you! Your Uncle Julien is getting married next year!
Marc : Tonton Julien ?
Marc: Uncle Julien?
Laure : Oui, tu sais, ton oncle aux Etats-Unis !
Laure: Yes, you know, your uncle in the United States!
Marc : Oh, c'est super ! On va y aller alors ?
Marc: Oh, that's great! Are we going to go there?
Vincent : Oui, c'est ça, nous sommes invités à la cérémonie. On y restera quelques jours.
Vincent: Yes, of course, we're invited to the ceremony. We'll stay a few days.
Marc : Oh lala, j'ai hâte de voir la robe de la mariée...
Marc: Oh my, my, I can't wait to see the wedding dress...
Laure : Mmmh, eh bien, c'est que ton oncle vit avec... son copain !
Laure: Mmm, actually, your uncle lives with...his partner!
Marc : Oh, Tonton est gay ? Ils vont être classes en costume tous les deux !! Alors, on y va quand ?
Marc: Oh, Uncle is gay?! Both of them will look really smart in tuxedos! So, when are we going there?
Gabriella: J’adore les mariages ! C’est toujours tellement beau…
Jeremy: Moi aussi, et on s’y amuse beaucoup.
Gabriella: What about gay marriage in France?
Jeremy: It has been legalized really recently, in 2013.
Gabriella: But it’s legal in many countries around the world already! How did gay people marry before? Could they?
Jeremy: Oui, ils pouvaient s’unir à la mairie. There was another kind of contract before, called PACS.
Gabriella: Sounds like something totally administrative.
Jeremy: Yes, not really romantic, and this gave fewer rights. It's usually preferred by young people, since it’s less expensive too.
Gabriella: I see. How is gay marriage perceived in France?
Jeremy: There was a little opposition from a very conservative part of the population, but the majority approves of it.
Gabriella: Due to the French motto, “Egalité”?
Jeremy: Oui, mais la loi a tout de même été votée. Et tout se passe très bien!
Gabriella: I’m pretty sure of that!
Gabriella: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Gabriella: The first word we shall see is...
Jeremy: grande nouvelle [natural native speed]
Gabriella: great news
Jeremy: grande nouvelle [slowly - broken down by syllable] grande nouvelle [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: annoncer [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to announce
Jeremy: annoncer [slowly - broken down by syllable] annoncer [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: se marier [natural native speed]
Gabriella: to marry
Jeremy: se marier [slowly - broken down by syllable] se marier [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: tonton [natural native speed]
Gabriella: uncle (informal)
Jeremy: tonton [slowly - broken down by syllable] tonton [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: cérémonie [natural native speed]
Gabriella: ceremony
Jeremy: cérémonie [slowly - broken down by syllable] cérémonie [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: mariée [natural native speed]
Gabriella: bride
Jeremy: mariée [slowly - broken down by syllable] mariée [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: copain [natural native speed]
Gabriella: boyfriend, buddy
Jeremy: copain [slowly - broken down by syllable] copain [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: gay [natural native speed]
Gabriella: gay, homosexual
Jeremy: gay [slowly - broken down by syllable] gay [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Next
Jeremy: costume [natural native speed]
Gabriella: tuxedo
Jeremy: costume [slowly - broken down by syllable] costume [natural native speed]
Gabriella: And last...
Jeremy: classe [natural native speed]
Gabriella: smart
Jeremy: classe [slowly - broken down by syllable] classe [natural native speed]
Gabriella: Let’s take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. We have four different words for this lesson.
Jeremy: Oui, le premier est “grande nouvelle”. This expression is used to announce a positive great event, like a marriage or a pregnancy.
Gabriella: Ok, so you can’t say "J’ai une grande nouvelle" in case of a death?
Jeremy: Well, it would be dark humor… really dark!
Gabriella: Mmm, ok, let’s see our second word, then.
Jeremy: Tonton. It doesn't have any equivalent in English, actually.
Gabriella: It’s a childish word to say “uncle”, right?
Jeremy: C’est exactement ça! In slang, it also refers to a police spy.
Gabriella: Oh, comme dans les Tontons Flingueurs ?
Jeremy: Oui, tout à fait! Excellent film, au passage.
Gabriella: Our third word is “gay”, which is the same in English.
Jeremy: Yes, it can refer not only to homosexual males, but also to all the gay community.
Gabriella: So also lesbians and so on.
Jeremy: Oui, c’est assez simple.
Gabriella: What’s our last word?
Jeremy: Costume. This word translates as three different words.
Gabriella: So, "tuxedo," as we saw in the dialog…
Jeremy: It can also refer to a historical costume or a fancy dress.
Gabriella: So what would the verb se costumer mean?
Jeremy: “to disguise”. It can’t be used for a tuxedo.
Gabriella: Ok, great! Let’s move on to the grammar.
Gabriella: In this lesson, you’ll learn about future indicators.
Jeremy: Right, that's all the words used in French to indicate the future.
Gabriella: So they are used to talk about a certain point in time?
Jeremy: Not just that, there are three words used to express different successive actions.
Gabriella: What are they?
Jeremy: ensuite, puis, après.
Gabriella: "afterwards," "then," "after."
Jeremy: Their use is the same as in English- Je vais nettoyer la vaisselle, puis ranger le salon et après, je vais faire les courses.
Gabriella: "I’m going to wash the dishes, then tidy the living room, and after this, I will do the grocery shopping."
Jeremy: Great! Now, to situate an event at a certain point in time in the future, there are some words and expressions. We already know demain, la semaine prochaine, l’année prochaine and their inflections.
Gabriella: "Tomorrow," "next week," "next year"
Jeremy: One is used in the dialog -Ton oncle Julien va se marier l’an prochain !
Gabriella: "Your Uncle Julien is getting married next year!”
Jeremy: Another one - Son copain fera le tour du monde l’an prochain, mais elle n’est pas sûre de le suivre.
Gabriella: “Her partner will do a round-the-world trip next year, but she’s not sure if she'll come along.” I’ve heard le lendemain and le surlendemain already.
Jeremy: Yes, they mean "the day after" and "the day after next." They're rather formal.
Gabriella: Ok, got it! That’s why I haven’t heard these words that much. And what about the near future?
Jeremy: You may say prochainement.
Gabriella: Which translates as “in the near future”!
Jeremy: English is more pragmatic than French! Let’s hear an example -Elle ouvre sa boutique prochainement.
Gabriella: "She'll open her shop in the near future.”
Jeremy: You can also just say the date and the hour - La cérémonie se déroulera à la mairie à 10 heures.
Gabriella: “The ceremony will take place at the city hall at 10 a.m.” That’s quite simple, you just have to know the vocabulary!
Jeremy: Avec un peu d’entrainement, ce n’est pas très difficile.


Gabriella: Chers auditeurs, n’hésitez pas à pratiquer dans les commentaires!
Jeremy: Bonne chance, et à la prochaine!
Gabriella: Thanks for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time. Salut!

