
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alex: Bonjour! Je m'appelle Alexandre.
Céline: Et moi c’est Céline.
Sam: Sam here. Denzel Snipes, A Picture Please!
Céline: Nous avons un personnage très intéressant. Papa Razy.
Sam: Did you say paparazzi?
Céline: Oui.
Sam: Ah, so the character's name is Papa Razy. Pretty funny.
Céline: Mm-hm. Same word in English?
Sam: Pretty much.
Céline: D'accord.
Alex: C’est un phénomène mondial, où les gens prennent les photos des célébrités...
Céline: … à n’importe quel moment.
Alex: N’est-ce pas?
Sam: Yeah, the phenomenon of snapping undesirable photos of celebrities at inopportune times.
Céline: Qui est Denzel Snipes?
Sam: I don't know. Maybe somebody famous?
Céline: Oui mais moi je ne connais pas Denzel Snipes. C’est qui Denzel Snipes?
Alex: Moi non plus je le connais pas.
Sam: Maybe he's an actor or a singer?
Céline: Ah, ok.
Sam: I think he's an actor maybe.
Céline: Je pense que c’est un sosie.
Sam: I think so. But what's a double in French?
Céline: Sosie.
Sam: Like a look-alike?
Céline: Yeah, exactement.
Sam: Oh. So a fake Denzel Snipes maybe.
Céline: Ouais… Et où se déroule l’action?
Sam: The conversation takes place in a hotel in Cannes during the morning.
Céline: Because he just woke up.
Sam: But he's not at the Cannes film festival. He's at the Banes film festival for all the look-alike superstars. Ok. Let's get into today's conversation!
Sylvain: Une photo Denzel Snipes!
Christophe: Ben non, pas tout de suite, là je ne suis pas mignon!
Sylvain: Mais si, allez une photo, s’il vous plaît!
Christophe: Non, je viens de sortir du lit!
Sylvain: Ce n’est pas grave, une photo au naturel, pas de tralala!
Christophe: Non, je viens de…
Sam: One more time, with the English.
Céline: Encore une fois, avec l’anglais.
Sylvain: Une photo Denzel Snipes!
Sam: A picture, Denzel Snipes!
Christophe: Ben non, pas tout de suite, là je ne suis pas mignon!
Sam: Huh… no, not right now. I don’t look good!
Sylvain: Mais si, allez une photo, s’il vous plaît!
Sam: But yes, come on… a picture please!
Christophe: Non, je viens de sortir du lit!
Sam: No, I just got out of bed!
Sylvain: Ce n’est pas grave, une photo au naturel, pas de tralala!
Sam: It doesn’t matter, a natural picture, no fuss!
Christophe: Non, je viens de…
Sam: No, I just…
Sam: Have you guys ever met a movie star or celebrity?
Alex: Moi j’ai rencontré une fois, dans la rue, à l’ombre, Paul McCartney.
Sam: You met Paul McCartney on the street?
Alex: Oui, tu te rends compte?!
Céline: Et qu’est-ce que tu as dit? Tu lui as dit “bonjour”?
Alex: Non même pas, j’étais impressionné.
Sam: So you didn't say anything because you were so impressed? You were like "Wow!"
Alex: Voilà. Exactement.
Céline: Et toi, Sam?
Sam: Have I met any movie stars?
Alex: In your dreams.
Céline: Peut-être ouais. Ok. That means no, because you don't remember.
Sam: No, no. Some of my friends are movie stars.
Céline: Ah bon?
Alex: Really?
Sam: Yeah.
Céline: What kind of movie?
Alex: Qui par exemple?
Sam: It's a secret.
Céline: D'accord.
Sam: I can't tell you.
Céline: Have you ever been to Cannes? Est-ce que tu es déjà allé à Cannes?
Sam: Cannes? In France?
Céline: Oui, en France.
Sam: Oh, I thought you meant Australia.
Céline: No.
Sam: Pas encore. I haven't been to Cannes, yet, but I'd like to go.
Céline: C’est très joli.
Sam: Oh really?
Céline: Oui, très joli.
Sam: So you've been to Cannes?
Céline: Oui, je suis déjà allée à Cannes.
Sam: Was it good?
Céline: Très bien. Super. Il fait toujours beau, les gens sont… beaux. Tout est beau.
Sam: Everything was great?
Céline: Yeah. Tu sais quand est-ce que c’est le Festival de Cannes?
Sam: It's like a film festival, right? in Septembre?
Céline: En septembre? Non! Pas du tout.
Sam: Ah!
Céline: C’est en mai, donc c’est l’année prochaine.
Sam: In May, next year.
Céline: Yeah. Shall we go?
Sam: Let's go.
Céline: Ok. C'est parti.
Sam: Can you pay?
Céline: Quoi?
Sam: Can you pay for my ticket?
Céline: Ok. On regarde le vocabulaire?
Alex: Je pense!
Céline: Allez.
Sam: I guess that's a no! Alright.
Sam: Now let's look at some vocabulary and phrases from the lesson. First item?
Céline: Pas tout de suite.
Sam: Not right now.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Mignon, mignonne.
Sam: Cute, masculine. Cute, feminine.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Mais si!
Sam: But, yes!
Sam: Next?
Alex: Allez!
Sam: Come on!
Sam: Next?
Céline: Venir de
Sam: To have just.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Sortir
Sam: Come out.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Lit
Sam: Bed.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Ce n’est pas grave.
Sam: It doesn't matter.
Alex: Now for more on the vocabulary, let's see the usage for some words.
Sam: The first one is an expression, “tout de suite”.
Alex: This means 'right away' or 'right now' to pressure someone, usually, to do something.
Sam: Then there's the word “allez!”.
Alex: Even though it is a form of the verb “aller”, here it does not describe an itinerary.
Céline: Its equivalent is 'Come on!' It is used to push and motivate someone.
Sam: For example?
Alex: Allez n’aie pas peur. Fais le saut en élastique.
Sam: Come on, don't be afraid. Try the bungee.
Céline: Ah non non je ne veux pas essayer, ça fait trop peur. Donc, ensuite, nous avons “mais si”.
Alex: This is used to nullify a negative statement.
Sam: Can you be more precise?
Alex: In the dialogue, Denzel Snipes refuses to have his picture taken. Mr. Papa Razy insists by using “si”, always used after a negative statement.
Céline: Let's see an example. Je ne veux pas ce portable.
Sam: I don't want this cell.
Céline: Sam, are you trying to make fun of Mr. Snipes?
Sam: What? What are you talking about? I said, "I don't want this cell."
Céline: But 'cell'. Snipes.
Sam: Oh! Maybe I shouldn't say that.
Céline: Oui le pauvre. On est avec toi. Donc je disais: So... can you just say cell phone or something? Because I feel really bad.
Sam: Ok. I don't want this cell phone.
Alex: Mais si, achète-le, il n’est pas cher!
Sam: But yes! Buy it. It's cheap!
Céline: I like when you say, "It's cheap!"
Sam: It's cheap. It's cheap!
Céline: Ok. Can you say it in French with the same intonation?
Sam: Peut-être.
Céline: Allez, vas-y, essaye!
Sam: C’est pas cher!
Céline: Oh, no. It's better in English. Yeah.
Sam: It's cheap!
Céline: Ok. You're American.
Sam: That's a good thing, though. Right?
Céline: Yes. And the last item is?
Sam: Ce n’est pas grave.
Alex: “Grave” has different definitions as in low pitch about sounds or refers to the French accent. However, it also means important or serious.
Céline: In this expression, “ce n’est pas grave”, the last meaning is the one used. Its translation is, "It's not serious" or "It doesn't matter." Tu as compris Sam?
Sam: Je comprends à 100%.
Céline: D'accord. Super.
Sam: Ok.

Lesson focus

Sam: Are you guys ready for some grammar?
Céline: Non.
Sam: Why?
Céline: Because I'm tired. No, I'm joking. Ok, what are we talking about today?
Sam: Let's see. What are we talking about today?
Céline: I think our topic is the recent past. I'm tired, but I'm the one who knows about the grammar point. Alex?
Alex: Oui, j’ai l’impression que c’est toi, ouais.
Céline: Merci. So?
Alex: Ok. As seen in the last lesson, we studied the usage of the verb 'venir'.
Sam: Expressing origin!
Céline: Tout à fait. However, 'venir de', besides indicating the origin, expresses the recent past as well.
Sam: How is it formed?
Alex: It's really easy. Take the verb 'venir' and conjugate it at the present de l'indicatif.
Céline: Add the preposition 'de' and the main verb at the infinitive form.
Sam: Can we see this in context?
Alex: Bien sûr. Il y a quelques minutes le téléphone vient de sonner.
Céline: A few minutes ago, the phone just rang.
Sam: Alright. So, “venir de” plus infinitive. Ok. Je viens de comprendre.
Alex: I just understood. Excellent.
Céline: Exactement.
Sam: Oh, great. I think that's a good place to wrap up. What do you think?
Céline: Can we just see another example? Je viens de manger.
Sam: I just ate.
Céline: Je vais manger. I'm going to eat.
Sam: I'm going to eat. Oh! Ok.
Alex: Je viens de me lever.
Sam: I'm going to take a shower.
Céline: Non. I...
Sam: I just took a shower!
Céline: No. I just got up.
Sam: I just got up? I did just get up. I'm sorry.
Alex: And “Je vais me lever”.
Sam: I'm going to get up.
Alex: Voilà! Exactement.
Céline: Voilà, je crois que c’est fini aujourd’hui. Il y a beaucoup de choses hein.
Alex: Beaucoup.
Céline: Moi je suis vraiment très fatiguée.
Sam: Yeah. Let's go eat.
Céline: Oui!


Sam: Ok. That concludes today's lesson. Je viens de comprendre!
Alex: I just got it!


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