
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alex: Bonjour. Je m'appelle Alexandre.
Céline: Bonjour. C’est Céline.
Sam: Sam here. You come? No. I leave. I'm Sam and I'm joined here by...
Alex: Alexandre.
Céline: Et Céline!
Sam: Ça va?
Céline: Ça va.
Alex: Ça va très bien, merci.
Céline: Et toi?
Sam: Je vais… je vais bien merci!
Céline: Parfait.
Sam: Great.
Céline: Alors Sam, qu’est-ce qu’on a aujourd’hui?
Sam: Pardon? Aujourd’hui? Qu’est-ce que je fais?
Céline: No. What's the conversation today?
Sam: Ah. This conversation takes place between Pati and Bruno at work, and they're talking about housewarming parties.
Alex: Donc on va parler de la crémaillère.
Céline: Donc moi je serai Pati, et Sylvain sera Bruno.
Sam: Ok.
Sam &Céline: C'est parti!
Céline: Bruno, tu viens à ma pendaison de crémaillère ?
Sylvain: Heu, non je pars.
Céline: Tu pars où ?
Sylvain: Je pars pour aller chez toi.
Céline: Ben, alors tu viens avec moi !
Sylvain: Non je pars d’ici sans toi !
Sam: One more time, with the English.
Céline: Encore une fois, avec l’anglais.
Céline: Bruno, tu viens à ma pendaison de crémaillère ?
Sam: Bruno, are you coming to my housewarming party?
Sylvain: Heu, non je pars.
Sam: No, I'm leaving.
Céline: Tu pars où ?
Sam: Where are you going?
Sylvain: Je pars pour aller chez toi.
Sam: I'm going to go to your place.
Céline: Ben, alors tu viens avec moi !
Sam: Then you'll come with me!
Sylvain: Non je pars d’ici sans toi !
Sam: No I'm leaving here without you.
Céline: Est-ce que vous avez déjà fait des plans de dernière minute?
Alex: Moi je fais les choses toujours à la dernière minute! Surtout pour les examens par exemple.
Céline: Et toi, Sam? Tu planifies souvent, ou tu fais tout à la dernière minute?
Sam: I usually don't plan things. I just do everything kind of spur of the moment.
Céline: Parfait! Nous sommes très organisés, parce que moi aussi je fais tout à la dernière minute.
Sam: We're all last-minute type of people.
Céline: Yep.
Alex: Malheureusement, heureusement, je ne sais pas.
Céline: Heureusement je crois.
Sam: Ok. Let's look at some vocabulary.
Sam: First item?
Céline: Sans toi.
Sam: Without you.
Céline: Sans toi. Sans toi.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Avec toi.
Sam: With you.
Céline: Avec toi. Avec toi.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Alors.
Sam: Then.
Céline: Alors. Alors.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Chez.
Sam: At someone's place.
Céline: Chez. Chez.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Partir.
Sam: To leave.
Céline: Partir. partir.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Venir.
Sam: To come.
Céline: Venir. Venir.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Pendaison de crémaillère.
Sam: Housewarming party.
Céline: Pendaison de crémaillère. Pendaison de crémaillère.
Céline: Strange expression, right?
Alex: Qu’est-ce que ça veut dire en anglais “la crémaillère”? Est-ce que vous savez?
Sam: Housewarming party.
Alex: Oui, mais ça veut dire quelque chose.
Céline: Oui. No, no. Literally “crémaillère”.
Sam: Like a big pot of soup.
Alex: Exactement. Une marmite ou une crémaillère. Mais aujourd’hui on l’utilise guère. On dit boire une soupe ou manger une soupe en français déjà?
Céline: Ben tout dépend de… je sais pas. Tout dépend de la soupe.
Sam: You can drink or eat soup. Like cereal.
Sam: Let's take a closer look at some of the vocabulary and phrases used in this lesson. The first word is?
Céline: Crémaillère.
Sam: Crémaillère.
Céline: But we just talked about it.
Alex: Alors, “crémaillère” c’est une grosse marmite. En anglais, on peut dire “it’s a big pot”, comme tu avais déjà dit. Et c’est une tradition en France d’inviter les gens quand on déménage.
Céline: C’est plutôt quand on emménage. “Déménager”, it's to move out.
Alex: To move out.
Céline: “Emménager”, to move in.
Sam: But you can have a moving out party too.
Céline: Why?
Sam: So you only have moving in party in France? No moving out party?
Céline: Non.
Alex: Mais toutes les raisons pour faire une party c’est bien je trouve.
Sam: Maybe you're moving to a better place, so it's a happy time. Have a party.
Céline: D’accord. Le prochain mot c’est “pour”.
Sam: For.
Alex: It has many uses, but here it is used to introduce an objective.
Sam: Objective? So, 'pour' is used in the sense of you're doing something 'in order'.
Alex: Exactement.
Céline: Next word is 'alors'.
Alex: This word means 'so' or 'then'. Ce mot est utilisé très souvent pour expliquer les conséquences ou un effet de l’action.
Sam: So it's often used to explain the consequences or an effect of an action. I got it.
Céline: So orally and informally, it is also used in expressions like “et alors?”.
Sam: Like then? Interesting! Or should I say "intéressant"?
Céline: Intéressant. Next words are 'sans' et 'avec'.
Sam: What do they mean?
Alex: They are post prepositions.
Sam: For example?
Alex: 'Avec' being 'with' and 'sans' logically being, Sam?
Sam: Without!
Céline: Par exemple: Je pars sans toi.
Sam: I'm speaking without you?
Alex: Je pars.
Sam: You're leaving without me!? Why?
Céline: Oui, ben tu m’agaces.
Sam: Oh.
Alex: On peut dire “le café sans sucre” ou “le café avec sucre”.
Sam: Coffee with or without sugar.
Céline: Oui.
Sam: Do you like your coffee with or without sugar?
Céline: Avec sucre. Et toi, Alex?
Alex: Avec aussi.
Céline: Avec sucre.
Alex: Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais…

Lesson focus

Céline: Que diriez-vous de la grammaire?
Sam: Let's look at our grammar point.
Céline: So here we will see both verbs, partir, to leave and venir, to come, in a different usage.
Alex: Both verbs are irregular and fall into the third verb group.
Céline: Partir is used to either indicate a point of origin in an itinerary or describe the fact of leaving or going away from a place.
Alex: Informally, it is also used with the preposition “à” to indicate a destination.
Sam: Some examples, please!
Alex: Of course. Bien sûr. To talk about a place of origin, use the preposition “de” after “partir”. For example: Le Tour de France 2008 part de Brest.
Sam: The Tour de France leaves from Brest.
Céline: Sam, I think I have to correct your pronunciation here. Say it again?
Sam: The Tour de France leaves from Brest.
Céline: Brest. Merci.
Alex: C’est une ville en Bretagne.
Céline: Oui. Exact.
Sam: It's a city in Bretagne.
Céline: So nothing…
Alex: Brittany.
Sam: That's a famous bicycle race isn't it?
Alex: Oui! Exactement.
Céline: So for a destination it is “Il part à la piscine.” He's leaving for the swimming pool. You can hear as well, “il part à” plus a city.
Alex: Or you can use the preposition 'pour' for a destination. Par exemple, je pars demain pour l’Italie. I leave tomorrow for Italy.
Sam: Ok. How about venir? Does it have a lot of usages?
Céline: No. “Venir” is used as 'come' in English. It's also used to describe a point of origin with “de”.
Alex: Je viens de Tokyo. I come from Tokyo.
Sam: Are “partir de” and “venir de” interchangeable?
Céline: Non, there's a small difference between the two. “Venir de” implies the origin from where you are at the moment of speaking and not anywhere else. It usually indicates the place you were born or most specifically the last trip you made to where you are at the moment of speaking.
Sam: Moi je suis Japonais. Je viens de Tokyo. Mais je viens de chez moi pour aller au travail.
Alex: Me, I'm Japanese. I come from Tokyo, but I come from my place to work. Good illustration, Sam.
Céline: Yeah, but it's not true. You are not Japanese.
Sam: No. It was just for practice, though.
Céline: Ok. So, on the contrary, “partir de” doesn't have that restriction. You could talk about the origin of any trip. A past one or a future one.
Sam: How about the conjugation?
Alex: Check the grammar bank. For both verbs, the pronunciation is identical for the singular pronouns.
Céline: For “partir” in the plural forms they are “nous partons”, we leave.
Alex: “vous partez”, you leave, and “ils partent”, they leave.
Céline: Et “elles partent”.
Alex: Encore une fois on a oublié.
Céline: You always forget the feminine!
Alex: I'm sorry.
Sam: Wait a minute. You wrote this, not me.
Céline: I didn't write.
Sam: Well whoever forgot to write it should remember next time.
Céline: Yes, please.
Alex: For “venir”, nous venons...
Sam: ...vous venez, you come.
Alex: And ils - and this time- elles viennent. They come.
Céline: Merci, Alex.
Sam: One thing. With 'ils' it's a group of men or a mixed group. With “elles”, only a group of ladies.


Sam: This is the end of today's lesson.
Alex: Déjà?
Sam: Yes. Sorry. See you soon! Thanks, guys!
Céline: Merci, Sam. Merci, Alex.
Alex: Merci à tous.
Sam: Merci!
Céline: À très bientôt!


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