
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sam: Those Ones. Today, I'm here with Alex and Céline.
Céline: Bonjour! Oh! Pardon.
Sam: Bonjour.
Céline: Bonjour, Sam.
Alex: Bonjour, Sam. Bonjour, Céline.
Céline: Bonjour, Alex.
Sam: Ça va?
Alex: Très bien.
Céline: Oui! Ça va très bien.
Sam: That's great you guys are doing well. Are you ready for another fantastic lesson today?
Céline: Bien sûr!
Alex: Bien sûr! On y va!
Sam: So guys, what's the backdrop of our conversation?
Céline: This conversation takes place at the butcher shop where Alice is buying some meat, of course.
Sam: Alex will be the butcher and Céline will be Alice. C'est parti?
Céline: C'est parti!
Alex: On y va!
Sam: Let's go!
Alex: Bonjour, Madame Wiz.
Céline: Je voudrais un demi kilo de rôti de boeuf, s’il vous plaît.
Alex: Lequel, madame?
Céline: Celui tout devant.
Alex: Et avec ça?
Céline: Deux paires de saucisses de Strasbourg pour une choucroute.
Alex: Et avec ceci?
Céline: Et une dizaine de cuisses de poulet.
Alex: Ce sera tout?
Céline: Oui merci.
Sam: Let’s try again with the English.
Alex: Bonjour, Madame Wiz.
Sam: Hello, Mrs. Wiz.
Céline: Je voudrais un demi kilo de rôti de boeuf, s’il vous plaît.
Sam: I’d like half a kilo of roast beef please.
Alex: Lequel, madame?
Sam: Which one, Ma’am?
Céline: Celui tout devant.
Sam: This one in front of you.
Alex: Et avec ça?
Sam: And with this?
Céline: Deux paires de saucisses de Strasbourg pour une choucroute.
Sam: Two pairs of sausages from Strasbourg for sauerkraut.
Alex: Et avec ceci?
Sam: And with this?
Céline: Et une dizaine de cuisses de poulet.
Sam: Ten or so chicken thighs.
Alex: Ce sera tout?
Sam: That’s it?
Céline: Oui merci.
Sam: Yes thank you.
Sam: So guys, in America, when I went to the butcher with my mother, we got several different kinds of meat. How about in France? What's popular at the butcher shop?
Alex: Euh personnellement je vais rarement chez le boucher. J’achète tout dans les supermarchés.
Céline: Ah bon?
Alex: Et toi, Céline?
Céline: Ah non moi je vais chez le boucher. I'm going to the butcher shop.
Alex: So Alex, you go to the supermarket usually, and Céline, you go to the butcher sometimes?
Céline: Yes, but it's a little bit more expensive, right? C’est un peu plus cher mais la viande est meilleure.
Alex: Je pense que la qualité est meilleure oui.
Céline: On aime beaucoup le boeuf.
Sam: So, you're saying that the butcher shop is a bit more expensive but the quality of meat is better and some French people really love beef, huh?
Céline: Yeah, yeah. Exactly.
Sam: How about you?
Céline: J’adore!
Sam: How about American beef?
Céline: It depends on the beef, but in France we have French beef.
Sam: Sounds delicious. Is it sweet?
Céline: It is really sweet. Really good. But nothing comparing to Kobe beef.
Sam: Of course.
Céline: I'm sorry.
Sam: Kobe beef is really famous.
Céline: If you go to high-class French restaurants, they serve Kobe beef.
Sam: Really?
Céline: Yeah, yeah. But it's really expensive.
Sam: Do you know the basketball player, Kobe Bryant? His mother loved him Kobe beef, so she named him Kobe.
Alex: Really? Wow.
Céline: Oh, ok. So also we have le charcutier in France.
Sam: What's that?
Céline: It's like a butcher, but we sell pâté, saucisson...
Sam: Oh, so like a sausage-making shop?
Céline: Yeah, but also pâté.
Sam: Pâté? Oh!
Alex: Foie gras?
Céline: Foie gras. Hmmm que c’est bon le foie gras!
Alex: Miam miam.
Céline: Delicatessen, right?
Sam: But that's more kind of fresh-sliced meat. I don't think they actually process the animal at that shop.
Céline: Ah, d'accord. But in France we have that. And usually “bouchers” are “charcutiers”.
Sam: Oh, sounds good.
Céline: Ok.
Sam: So, we use some nice words that maybe you hadn't heard of or discovered before, so we can follow up with that by using our vocab in the next section.
Sam: We have some items to tell you about. The first one is?
Alex: Cuisse.
Sam: Thigh.
Alex: Cuisse. Cuisse.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Ceci.
Sam: This.
Céline: Ceci. Ceci.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Saucisse.
Sam: Sausage.
Céline: Saucisse. Saucisse.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Paires.
Sam: Pairs.
Alex: Paires. Paires.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Boeuf.
Sam: Beef.
Céline: Boeuf. Boeuf.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Rôti.
Sam: Roast
Céline: Rôti. Rôti.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Boucherie.
Sam: Butcher shop.
Céline: Boucherie. Boucherie.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Demi.
Sam: Half.
Alex: Demi. Demi.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Dizaine.
Sam: Ten or so.
Céline: Dizaine. Dizaine.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Celui.
Sam: This one, the one.
Alex: Celui. Celui.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Je voudrais.
Sam: I'd like.
Céline: Je voudrais. Je voudrais.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Ce sera tout.
Sam: That will be all.
Alex: Ce sera tout. Ce sera tout.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Et avec ça?
Sam: And with that?
Céline: Et avec ça? Et avec ça?
Sam: So guys, I think going to the butcher shop is easy and we can use some of these vocabulary terms and phrases at the butcher shop.
Céline: Let's have closer look at “cuisse”.
Alex: J’aime beaucoup ce mot-là. Une cuisse de poulet, par exemple.
Sam: Une cuisse de poulet? A chicken thigh!
Céline: Exactement. Do you like “cuisse”?
Sam: Yeah, I like the chicken thigh and the chicken breast.
Céline: Ah! D'accord. Next word is “paire”.
Sam: A pair!
Céline: Exactement. So you can use “paire” with everything that goes by two, right?
Sam: Of course!
Céline: Par exemple, “une paire de chaussures”.
Sam: A pair of shoes.
Alex: Une paire de lunettes.
Sam: A pair of sunglasses.
Céline: Voilà! It's same as English.
Sam: Oh, great! Easy to use.
Céline: Yeah, and in the dialogue, it's: Deux paires de saucisses.
Sam: Two pairs of sausage.
Céline: Voilà!
Alex: Which is four!
Céline: Oh, bravo! Quelle intelligence!
Alex: N’est-ce pas!
Céline: Ok. Next word is?
Alex: Boeuf.
Sam: Beef!
Céline: Oui!
Alex: Comment vous aimez manger votre boeuf? Moi j’aime bien quand c’est un steak de boeuf bleu par exemple.
Céline: Ok. That's really interesting. Bleu.
Sam: Rare?
Alex: Very rare.
Sam: Oh no. I've got to have it well-done.
Céline: Ah, but because you're an American.
Sam: Of course! And also with some ketchup on top.
Céline: Oh mon dieu! No!
Alex: No!
Céline: I like “saignant”.
Sam: Saignant?
Céline: I think “saignant” is rare and “bleu” is...
Sam: Medium rare?
Alex: No it's even more than rare.
Sam: Raw?
Céline: Between raw and rare.
Sam: Why even cook it?
Céline: So how about the next phrase, “je voudrais”?
Sam: I'd like.
Céline: We've been talking about that before. “Je voudrais” ou “je veux”, but “je veux” is kind of impolite.
Sam: It's too strong.
Céline: Je veux du boeuf. I want beef!
Alex: “Je voudrais” is a conditional and finishes by -ais.
Sam: -ais. I'd like.
Céline: So every time you want something, you have to use “je voudrais”.
Sam: That's good advice for our listeners.
Céline: And next we have 'et avec ça’.
Sam: And with that.
Céline: So usually when you go shopping at the supermarket or butcher, they say "Et avec ça?"
Sam: "And with that?" They want to clarify that you've gotten everything that you came to get.
Alex: Yes.
Céline: Et avec ça ma petite dame?
Alex: On dit ça souvent ouais.
Céline: C’est vrai.
Alex: Surtout le boucher je pense.
Céline: Et le boulanger.
Alex: Ah oui oui oui. Ok! Let's not break the routine and go through today's grammar!

Lesson focus

Céline: Ok. So today's grammar point is les démonstratifs.
Sam: Demonstratives.
Céline: Oui, exactement. So in the conversation, you heard “celui tout devant”, 'the one right in front of you'.
Alex: And the word “celui”, already encountered in the previous lesson, is to point out something, right?
Céline: Exactement. There are many grammar elements used to point out things. For example, the other words “ceci”, or “ça”, or “ce”, they all have a demonstrative function.
Sam: Are we going to look at all of them?
Céline: No, don't worry. We would need more time than a few minutes. We are going to see the other forms of the demonstrative pronoun “celui”.
Alex: Ok, Céline. Let's test Sam.
Céline: Bien sûr. I love to test Sam.
Alex: Ok. In the dialogue, what does “celui” refer to?
Sam: Le demi kilo, the half kilo?
Céline: Non!
Sam: Let me try again. Then the roast beef.
Céline: Oui! C’est ça Sam!
Sam: By the way, what is a kilo in pounds?
Alex: I think a pound is a little less than half a kilo.
Sam: D'accord.
Alex: So “celui” refers to beef and therefore always refers to masculine and singular nouns.
Sam: So there's a feminine equivalent of “celui”?
Céline: Oui. It is 'celle' and to get the feminine plural demonstrative pronoun, just add 's'.
Sam: Ok. We missed the masculine plural. What is it?
Alex: Ceux. C-E-U-X.
Sam: C-E-U-X.
Alex: Yes.
Sam: And an example of 'ceux'?
Céline: J’adore les bonbons, spécialement ceux au chocolat.
Sam: You like bonbons, especially the chocolate ones.
Alex: Elle est gourmande Céline.
Céline: Je suis très gourmande. Why don't we recap about demonstratives?
Sam: I think today we talked about to forms, “celui” and “celle”. And “celui” refer to masculine singular and 'celle' refer to feminine singular.
Alex: Voilà.
Céline: And how about the plural?
Sam: C-E-U-X, 'ceux' refer to masculine, and I think the feminine would it be C-E-L-L-E-S?
Céline: Tout à fait!
Alex: Voilà!
Sam: So let's recap again just to make sure everyone is crystal clear. How about the masculine singular form?
Céline: Celui.
Sam: Feminine singular form?
Alex: Celle.
Sam: Masculine plural?
Céline: Ceux.
Sam: Feminine plural?
Alex: Celles.
Sam: Ok.
Céline: Eh ben c’est parfait!
Alex: C’était très facile hein?
Sam: See, it's easy. Comme toujours. As always.
Céline: Yes. I think it's the end of today's lesson?
Alex: Au revoir à tous.
Céline: But, Sam?


Sam: Thank you and see you again.
Alex: Et maintenant au revoir! A la prochaine!
Céline: A la prochaine!
Sam: Bye-bye!


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