
Vocabulary (Review)

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Céline: Bonjour, je m’appelle Céline.
Alex: Bonjour! Je suis Alexandre.
Sam: Hi, guys. How are you?
Alex: Great!
Céline: Ça va très bien, merci.
Sam: That's great. I'm glad you're happy. Are you ready for today's lesson?
Céline: Oui!
Alex: Bien sûr.
Sam: Sounds great. So I hope you guys at home are ready and I hope you're listening carefully. What's the focus of today's lesson?
Céline: So, this conversation takes place in a decontracted atmosphere, where two friends are chatting away.
Alex: Yes, and the conversation is between Bruno and Alice.
Sam: The speakers are friends, therefore, the speakers will be using casual French. Bruno and Alice are talking about what they usually do on vacation. Bruno will be played by...
Alex: Alex.
Sam: And Alice will be played by...
Céline: Céline!
Sam: Are you guys ready?
Alex: Oui on y va!
Céline: Allez!
Sam: Let's go!
Alex: Je n’ai jamais pris l’avion!
Céline: Robert, les enfants et moi voyageons en avion une fois par an environ.
Alex: Je voyage quelquefois en bus, et chaque vacances en voiture.
Céline: Pourquoi ne voyages-tu pas en avion?
Alex: Parce que je n’ai pas d’argent et j’en ai peur.
Céline: Ah oui, donc tu as peur d’un rien, et comme toujours, radin!
Sam: Now, with the English.
Alex: Je n’ai jamais pris l’avion!
Sam: I’ve never taken a plane!
Céline: Robert, les enfants et moi voyageons en avion une fois par an environ.
Sam: Robert, the kids and I travel by plane about once a year.
Alex: Je voyage quelquefois en bus, et chaque vacances en voiture.
Sam: Sometimes I travel by bus, and sometimes by car.
Céline: Pourquoi ne voyages-tu pas en avion?
Sam: Why don’t you travel by plane?
Alex: Parce que je n’ai pas d’argent et j’en ai peur.
Sam: Because I don’t have any money and I am afraid of it!
Céline: Ah oui, donc tu as peur d’un rien, et comme toujours, radin!
Sam: Ah yeah, so you are afraid, and as always cheap!
Sam: So guys, when you're traveling, for example, let's talk about short trips first. Do you like to go by car, on foot, by bicycle? How do you like to travel on short trips?
Céline: Normalement les Français aiment bien la voiture.
Sam: So the French love to go by car on short trips?
Céline: Oui, parce que tu sais la France est très bien située, donc on peut aller en Espagne, en Italie, en Allemagne, à Amsterdam, ou même, enfin, à Londres on est obligés de prendre le train.
Sam: So France is strategically located, so therefore it's very easy to travel from country to country by car.
Céline: Tout à fait.
Alex: Bon alors maintenant on va vérifier le vocabulaire.
Sam: Let's move on to the vocabulary.
Sam: The first item is?
Céline: Peur.
Sam: Fear.
Céline: Peur. Peur.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Argent.
Sam: Money.
Alex: Argent. Argent.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Voiture.
Sam: Car.
Céline: Voiture. Voiture.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Voyager.
Sam: To travel.
Alex: Voyager. Voyager.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Avion.
Sam: Plane.
Céline: Avion. Avion.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Radin.
Sam: Cheap or to be cheap.
Alex: Radin. Radin.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Prendre.
Sam: To take.
Céline: Prendre. Prendre.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Par.
Sam: Per, when speaking of frequency.
Alex: Par. Par.
Sam: Next?
Céline: En.
Sam: By, when speaking of transportation.
Céline: En. En.
Sam: Next?
Alex: Environ.
Sam: Around, about.
Alex: Environ. Environ.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Donc.
Sam: Therefore.
Céline: Donc. Donc.
Sam: Next?
Céline: Pris.
Sam: Taken.
Céline: Pris. Pris.
Alex: Bon ben c’est bien le temps de décortiquer le vocabulaire pour aujourd’hui.
Céline: Tout à fait. Donc le premier mot ce sera “pris” comme “pris d’assaut”, “pris au piège”, “pris d’émotion”...
Sam: Nice examples, but I don't understand any of them, guys.
Alex: Ok, “pris d’assaut” is 'being attacked'. “Pris au piège” is 'to get trapped'.
Céline: Et “pris d’émotion” is 'taken by emotion.' By the soap operas.
Sam: Ah. So what's the translation of “pris”?
Alex: It is the past participle of “prendre”, which is 'to take'.
Sam: Ok. This brings us to the vocabulary word, “en”.
Alex: Ah! “En” is found twice in the dialogue, right?
Sam: Yeah, but how about its use in the dialogue?
Céline: Nous voyageons en avion. In this phrase, “en” is a preposition indicating the mode of transportation.
Sam: Ah! I found it in “J’en ai peur”.
Alex: And here it is a pronoun that we've seen in Lower Intermediate Lesson Number 11. And the pronoun “en” is used after verbs followed by “de” or to replace the origin of a trip.
Sam: For example?
Céline: For me to tell you that you're coming from work, I would say “Tu viens du travail” or “Tu en viens”.
Alex: The next word we're going to look at is “donc”. Céline, how about an example with “donc”?
Céline: Je suis mademoiselle exemple aujourd’hui... Je pense donc je suis.
Sam: I think, therefore, I am.
Alex: La philosophie. La science de la pensée. It's well known phrase de René Descartes, born in Touraine in the middle of the 17th century.
Sam: Ah, the science of thoughts. Where is Touraine?
Céline: Touraine, it's a former province of France in the area of Tours next to the river la Loire. Kind of in the middle of the country.
Alex: “Donc” is a conjunction to indicate a consequence or to conclude.
Sam: This brings us to the last vocabulary word today, which is “radin”.
Alex: Ah, “radin”. This is an adjective. “Radin” for male or “Radine” for female, or for the girls, we can say. It's to describe someone who is cheap.
Céline: Oui. Tout à fait. “Radin” is quite a familiar word, so to be more politically correct, use “avare”.
Sam: Well, if you say someone's cheap, that's not really politically correct. You know?
Alex: I know, I know. So be it. La vérité blesse, hein?
Sam: The truth hurts, huh?
Céline: Oui.
Sam: Interesting. Now let's move on today's grammar point.

Lesson focus

Sam: So today we're going to cover frequency in our grammar point. Can you repeat the sentence where it appeared in the conversation?
Alex: Ouais. Je n’ai jamais pris l’avion.
Céline: I've never taken the plane.
Sam: Ok. Can you enumerate the words from the least to most frequent?
Alex: Naturellement. Actually they're adverbs of frequency. Another one showing up in the conversation is “une fois par an”.
Céline: Oui. Once a year. “Une fois” is used in fables as “Il était une fois...”
Sam: Once upon a time.
Céline: Now, if you want to say twice or three times a year, just change the number in front of “fois”.
Sam: 2 fois par an, twice a year. That's easy.
Céline: Eh oui!
Alex: Maintenant on va accélérer. Now to accelerate the rhythm, we have also “quelquefois”, meaning sometimes.
Céline: Oui. Je vais quelquefois chez le dentiste. Sometimes, I go to the dentist. I'm not afraid of planes, but I'm afraid of bad dentists.
Sam: Ah, me, too.
Alex: And “quelquefois” can be substituted with “parfois”.
Sam: How about saying always?
Céline: Toujours! FrenchPod101 pour toujours.
Sam: FrenchPod101 forever.
Alex: For more expressions and words on frequency, check out the grammar bank in the learning center of today's lesson.


Sam: Ok, guys, shall we wrap things up for today?
Céline: Je pense que oui!
Alex: Bien sûr!
Sam: Ok. So, see you guys next time.
Céline: D'accord, Sam.
Alex: A la prochaine! Au revoir!
Céline: Au revoir!
Sam: Au revoir!


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