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chat noir [black cat]
Did you know? Chat noir means "black cat."
In France, it's believed that seeing a black cat at night will bring you bad luck.
Some people believe that this is because black cats are incarnations of the Devil. However, this is just one possible theory.
Fais attention si tu vois un chat noir traverser la rue [Be careful if you see a black cat crossing the street]
croiser les doigts [cross fingers]
Did you know? Croiser les doigts means "to cross fingers."
In France, it's believed that crossing fingers is a sign of good luck.
It's because in the pre-Christian era, crosses symbolised power and unity. The middle of the cross represented all that was good. People used to make wishes on it to ward off evil.
Je croise les doigts pour ton examen demain! [Fingers crossed for your exam tomorrow!]


