
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jason: Hi everyone, I’m Jason.
Ingrid: And I’m Ingrid!
Jason: Medicine. In this lesson, you'll learn 5 essential words related to Health &Emergencies. These are five common medicines in France. Hand picked.
Jason: Ingrid, what’s our first word?
Ingrid: Doliprane
Jason: Doliprane, a pain reliever and fever reducer
Ingrid: (slow) Doliprane (regular) Doliprane
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Doliprane
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: It is a pain reliever that works on almost any kind of pain, including headaches, stomachaches and muscle aches.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) On peut facilement acheter du Doliprane dans toutes les pharmacies
Jason: Doliprane is easy to buy in any pharmacy.
Ingrid: (slow) On peut facilement acheter du Doliprane dans toutes les pharmacies
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Aspirine
Jason: Aspirin
Ingrid: (slow) Aspirine (regular) Aspirine
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Aspirine
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Aspirin is a really common medicine that acts as a pain reliever.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Il faut faire attention à ne pas prendre d'aspirine si l'on est allergique
Jason: Be careful not to take aspirin if you are allergic.
Ingrid: (slow) Il faut faire attention à ne pas prendre d'aspirine si l'on est allergique
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Mercurochrome
Jason: Mercurochrome, a topical antiseptic
Ingrid: (slow) Mercurochrome (regular) Mercurochrome
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Mercurochrome
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Mercurochrome is a red liquid lotion used as an antiseptic for small injuries like cuts or bruises.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Les enfants trouvent le Mercurochrome amusant car il est rouge comme le sang
Jason: Children find Mercurochrome funny because it is red like blood.
Ingrid: (slow) Les enfants trouvent le Mercurochrome amusant car il est rouge comme le sang
Jason: Okay, what’s the next word?
Ingrid: Spasfon
Jason: Spasfon, a medicine for intestinal pain
Ingrid: (slow) Spasfon (regular) Spasfon
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Spasfon
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Spasfon is a special medicine for stomachache and intestinal pain.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) Les comprimés de Spasfon sont roses
Jason: Spasfon pills are pink.
Ingrid: (slow) Les comprimés de Spasfon sont roses
Jason: Okay, what’s the last word?
Ingrid: Biafine
Jason: Biafine, a cream used for burns
Ingrid: (slow) Biafine (regular) Biafine
Jason: Listeners, please repeat:
Ingrid: Biafine
[pause - 5 sec.]
Jason: Biafine is the name of a white skin cream used to soothe burns and sunburns. It is a medicine that almost everybody has in their beach bag since it is really useful on the first day of tanning.
Jason: Now, let's hear a sample sentence using this word.
Ingrid: (normal) La Biafine est aussi utilisée contre les vraies brûlures, si l'on touche de l'eau bouillante par exemple
Jason: Biafine is also used for real burns, for example, a burn caused by boiling water.
Ingrid: (slow) La Biafine est aussi utilisée contre les vraies brûlures, si l'on touche de l'eau bouillante par exemple
Jason: Okay listeners, are you ready to be quizzed on the words you just learned? Ingrid will give you the French – please say the English meaning out loud! Are you ready?
Ingrid: Doliprane
[pause]Jason: Doliprane, a pain reliever and fever reducer
Ingrid: Aspirine
[pause]Jason: Aspirin
Ingrid: Mercurochrome
[pause]Jason: Mercurochrome, a topical antiseptic
Ingrid: Spasfon
[pause]Jason: Spasfon, a medicine for intestinal pain
Ingrid: Biafine
[pause]Jason: Biafine, a cream used for burns


Jason: There you have it – five commonly used medicines in France! Thanks everyone, see you next time!
Ingrid: À bientôt !

