
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Céline: Bonjour je m’appelle Céline!
Sylvain: Et moi c’est Sylvain.
Sam: Sam here! Two Little Words That Can End Your Misery! In this lesson, you’ll learn how to refer to people without repetition and stressed pronouns. Pronom direct.
Céline: The conversation is between Aurélie and Daniel. Aurélie expresses her feeling about Daniel’s brother and wants to know more.
Sam: The speakers are friends, therefore, they’ll be speaking informally.
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, écoute! Je l’aime bien!
Pimple Daniel: Oh, c’est dommage. Il a une petite amie.
Sweety Aurélie: Il a une petite amie? Oh, non!
Pimple Daniel: Et, si ! Désolé. Elle l’aime vraiment et il l’aime vraiment !
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, je l’adore!
Pimple Daniel: Et moi?
Sweety Aurélie: Toi? Hahahahahaha.
Sam: One more time slowly.
Female: Encore une fois, lentement.
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, écoute! Je l’aime bien!
Pimple Daniel: Oh, c’est dommage. Il a une petite amie.
Sweety Aurélie: Il a une petite amie? Oh, non!
Pimple Daniel: Et, si! Désolé. Elle l’aime vraiment et il l’aime vraiment!
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, je l’adore!
Pimple Daniel: Et moi?
Sweety Aurélie: Toi? Hahahahahaha.
Sam: One more time with the English.
Female: Encore une fois, avec l’anglais.
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, écoute! Je l’aime bien! “But, listen! I like him!”
Pimple Daniel: Oh, c’est dommage. Il a une petite amie. “Oh, that's too bad. He has a girlfriend.”
Sweety Aurélie: Il a une petite amie? Oh, noh! “He has a girlfriend? No way!”
Pimple Daniel: Et, si! Désolé. Elle l’aime vraiment et il l’aime vraiment! “Yes way. Sorry. She really likes him, and he really likes her!”
Sweety Aurélie: Mais, je l’adore! “But I like him!”
Pimple Daniel: Et moi? “What about me?”
Sweety Aurélie: Toi? Hahahahahaha. “You? Hahahahahaha.”
Céline: Euh alors Sylvain, Sam, vous avez… Avez-vous déjà été humiliés comme Daniel? Have you ever been humiliated like Daniel?
Sylvain: Sam first.
Sam: Well, not in exactly the same way, but I did get a fake email address one time.
Céline: So what happened exactly? Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?
Sam: I got a fake email address. That’s not the email and it didn’t go through.
Céline: oh le pauvre.
Sylvain: Ah, she gave you the wrong email.
Sam: Yeah.
Céline: Et toi? Sylvain, what happened to you?
Sylvain: Those kind of souvenir, you don’t want to remember them and I perfectly erased them.
Céline: Oh, really?
Sam: Those kind of memories?
Sylvain: Yeah, yeah. Okay. Sorry, listener, to be part of my public psychological analyze but I was trying to get into a relation with a girl. Je lui ai laissé des messages et elle n’a jamais répondu, elle n’est jamais venue à mes rendez-vous. Et en fait il y avait un réfectoire, où tout le monde mangeait ensemble. Et je savais qu’elle voulait me parler mais je savais qu’elle voulait me massacrer, entre guillemets, peut-être. Et j’ai fui la confrontation, le moment où elle devait me parler. Et à partir de ce moment-là…
Céline: What I don’t understand is why she didn’t come to the date. She was angry?
Sylvain: C’était au milieu de la nuit.
Céline: In the middle of the night.
Sylvain: On était dans un internat!
Céline: Ah, you were at school.
Sylvain: où il était interdit de sortir la nuit. C’était normal qu’elle ne vienne pas. Mais j’étais amoureux.
Céline: Oh, it’s kind of hard.
Sam: So you left her a message and you were afraid of the response. But after you left the message and found out she was angry, you never saw her again?
Céline: Yeah, yeah, yeah. He saw her but he was escaping.
Sam: He was worried about confrontation. Okay.
Céline: Yeah, yeah. He didn’t want to be confronted.
Sylvain: I am so strong.
Céline: How old were you?
Sylvain: Eleven, twelve? I don’t remember. This was my bad moment.
Sam: No, no, no, not adult thing, you know.
Céline: I wanted to know about your adult thing, something like more…
Sylvain: Humiliation in adult time.
Céline: Yes. I don’t know. Maybe..
Sylvain: I’m trying to remember. Yeah.
Céline: Yeah. That’s more interesting.
Sylvain: Okay, I will be short then. I was waiting for…my girlfriend and I were not living in the same place. I was waiting for her call and she didn’t give me a sign for one week. I bought flower and things, hoping she will answer. I was refusing, the truth, and suddenly she came saying she had a new boyfriend. And I say, “Okay. Cool.” It was a horrible moment for me.
Céline: Oh, I’m sorry.
Sylvain: And I pretend to be smiley and happy but for two months, I didn’t speak or something like this.
Céline: Yeah. I’m sorry. Now I know women can be really witches. Let’s say witches. Yeah, I know.
Sylvain: Do you have souvenir like this, Céline?
Céline: But the opposite. I mean, I wasn’t…
Sylvain: You were the girl in the story.
Céline: Yes, I was the girl. Pardon je suis désolée. I’m sorry.
Sylvain: Past is past anyway.
Céline: Oh, yeah. So about the vocab?
Sam: That’s a good idea. Let’s move on to vocab.
How about the first item?
Céline: Écouter [natural native speed].
Sam: To listen.
Céline: Écouter [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Écouter [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Céline: aimer.
Sam: To love.
Céline: aimer. [slowly - broken down by syllable] aimer. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Sylvain: Petite amie [natural native speed].
Sam: Girlfriend.
Sylvain: Petite amie [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Petite amie [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Céline: Désolé(e) [natural native speed].
Sam: Sorry.
Céline: Désolé(e) [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Désolé(e) [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Sylvain: Vraiment [natural native speed].
Sam: Really.
Sylvain: Vraiment [slowly - broken down by syllable]. Vraiment [natural native speed].
Sam: Next…
Céline: adorer.
Sam: To be fond of.
Céline: adorer. [slowly - broken down by syllable] adorer. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Sylvain: moi.
Sam: Me.
Sylvain: moi. [slowly - broken down by syllable] moi. [natural native speed]
Sam: Next…
Céline: Et toi?
Sam: And you (casual).
Céline: Et toi? [slowly - broken down by syllable] Et toi? [natural native speed]
Sam: Now let’s take a closer look at how some of these vocab words and phrases are used.
Céline: The first one is a group of words, “petite amie”.
Sylvain: “Petite amie” is a compound noun with the adjective “petite” meaning “small” and the noun “amie” meaning “female friend.”
Céline: It actually refers to a girlfriend with who you share intimate moments.
Sam: Oh, romantically involved.
Céline: Exactement. For us, girls, we have a “petit ami” boyfriend. Sometimes we just say “”ma copine, ou “mon copain” and it means “girlfriend” or “boyfriend”. It can be confusing sometimes.
Sylvain: We can also say “mon ami”, “mon fiancé”. There is lot of things to say about it. Let’s see the next word. It is écouter.
Sam: Which means “to listen.”
Céline: Here, “écoute” means “listen”. The person is given an instruction which can be interpreted as an order, widely used by teachers and parents.
Sam: Yes. And not always followed.
Céline: Oh c’est sûr. Then there’s the word désolé(e).
Sam: Oh, “sorry”.
Sylvain: What are you sorry about?
Sam: No comment.
Céline: But he’s just giving the translation, right? Désolé(e). Okay. Let’s see the last and very French word, moi.
Sylvain: Moi.
Céline: Moi, c’est moi.
Sylvain: Moi moi moi moi moi.
Céline: Moi moi et remoi.
Sylvain: Moi d’abord.
Céline: Meaning “me.”
Sylvain: It’s specific to French because it is used to insist on the subject.
Sam: Can you give a phrase with “moi”?
Céline: Moi j’ai toujours raison!
Sylvain: Sauf quand tu as tort.
Sam: “Me, I’m always right except when you’re wrong.”
Sylvain: How wise you are!
Sam: Oh, thank you! And you, too!
Sylvain: Thank you!

Lesson focus

Céline: Okay, it’s time for grammar. La grammaire.
Sam: Of course! Let’s look at some grammaire. Today’s grammar point is about les compléments d’objects directs. Or direct object compliments.
Sylvain: You probably wonder what this barbary, what is this cruelty.
Céline: They’re used to avoid repetitions.
Sam: Okay. How was that?
Sylvain: Let’s go back to the dialogue. Aurelie keeps insisting on how much she likes Daniel’s brother.
Céline: Yes. She says je l’aime bien and je l’adore.
Sam: “I love him and I’m fond of him.”
Sylvain: In both sentence, instead of saying the name of Daniel’s brother, “ l’ ” is used in front of the verb.
Céline: It is, in fact, the object of the sentence.
Sam: Interesting. Are there other forms?
Sylvain: Yes. “ l’ ”is used here because both verbs start with vowel.
Céline: If the verb starts with a consonant, le or la are used.
Sam: Okay. le being masculine and la being femine.
Sylvain: Oui.That’s correct.
Céline: Le complément d’objet direct, le COD, also known as direct object pronoun in English, can refer to things or people.
Sam: Direct object pronouns?
Céline: Oui complément d’objet direct, COD in French.
Sam: Okay. Thanks for that.
Sylvain: Let’s have an example, maybe?
Céline: D’accord, allez-y.
Sylvain: Made by Sam? I say in English, you say in French.
Sam: Okay.
Sylvain: I say without the pronoun and you use the pronoun.
Sam: Okay. So you’ll do the English, I’ll do the French?
Sylvain: Yes.
Sam: Okay.
Sylvain: I’m looking at Céline.
Sam: Okay. Je la vois.
Sylvain: Non because there is “see” and “look”. Regarder et voir.
Sam: Je la regarde.
Céline: Exactly.
Sylvain: Parfait, superbe, merveilleux, grandiose, brillant.
Sam: Oh, thank you. Thank you. I try.
Sylvain: That’s good.
Céline: Un autre exemple?
Sylvain: Ok pourquoi pas?
Céline: Okay. I’m always listening to Sylvain.
Sam: Je l’écoute toujours?
Sylvain: Bingo! Wonderful! You’re good.
Sam: Can you also say toujours je l’écoute?
Céline: Uh-hmm. Mais bon je ne l’écoute pas toujours.
Sylvain: Elle ne m’écoute jamais.
Céline: N’importe quoi! C’est parti on va manger?
Sylvain: ouais! C’est...
Sam: Sounds like a plan to me. Oh, but first we have to wrap up.
Céline: D’accord.
Sylvain: On t’écoute.
Céline: That’s your job.
Sam: Of course. Of course.
Sylvain: We are listening.


Sam: Okay. This is the end of today’s lesson. Thank you, guys. See you soon!
Sylvain: à bientôt!
Céline: à bientôt!
Sam: à bientôt!


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