Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone. I’m Lindsay from FrenchPod101.com. In this video, we’ll be talking about Top 10 Life Events You Should Be Able to Talk about in French. Let’s begin!
[Normal] naissance [Slow] naissance
Quel is an interrogative adjective used in questions to mean "which" or "that." It has to agree with the noun that it precedes. With a feminine singular noun, it becomes quelle. For example, date de naissance is feminine; that's why you have to use quelle.
For example, you can say Quelle est votre date de naissance s'il vous plaît?
This means "Could you give me your date of birth please?"
[Normal] être diplômé [Slow] être diplômé
This means "to graduate."
Graduation is an important goal in many people's lives.
For example, you can say Après avoir été diplômé, je voyagerai un an partout dans le monde, which means, "After I graduate, I will travel the world for one year."
[Normal] avoir un travail [Slow] avoir un travail
This means "to get a job."
For example, you can say J'ai eu mon premier travail à 18 ans
which means, "I got my first job when I was 18."
This sentence uses the past tense, passé composé. The passé composé is a compound past tense that consists of two elements -- the present tense of an auxiliary or helping verb and a past participle. Most verbs use the helping verb avoir. However, some use être.
[Normal] se fiancer [Slow] se fiancer
This means "to get engaged"
For example, you can say Tu es fiancé? Félicitations!
which means, "Are you engaged? Congratulations!"
Fiancé is an adjective which means "engaged." If the subject is feminine it's fiancée.
The next event is...
[Normal] mariage [Slow] mariage
This means "wedding."
For example, Il y a beaucoup de mariages en juin, parce que certaines personnes pensent que c'est un mois porte-bonheur pour l'amour.
This means, "There are a large number of weddings in June, as some think it's a lucky month for love."
Parce que introduces a cause. It simply translates to English as "because." Parce que can also start a sentence.
The next event is...
[Normal] Acheter une maison [Slow] Acheter une maison
This means "to buy a house."
For example, J'achèterais une maison si j'avais plus d'argent means "I would buy a house if I had more money."
This sentence uses the conditional tense with acheter. The conditional is used to express what would happen given certain events or actions.
[Normal] anniversaire de mariage [Slow] anniversaire de mariage
This means "anniversary."
For example, Pour un vingt-cinquième anniversaire de mariage, on offre généralement de l'argent means "Silver is the traditional gift for the 25th Wedding Anniversary."
In France, as well as in some other countries, the names of some anniversaries provide guidance for appropriate or traditional gifts for the spouses to give each other. For example, an 8-year anniversary is noces de coquelicot (poppy wedding).
[Normal] prendre sa retraite [Slow] prendre sa retraite
"to retire"
You can say Mon grand-père à pris sa retraite à l'âge de 60 ans,
which means, "My grandfather retired when he was 60."
The retirement age is around 65 in France. It also depends on how many years you've been working.
[Normal] voyager [Slow] voyager
"to travel"
For example, you can say Je rêve de voyager aux quatre coin du monde,
which means "I'm dreaming of traveling all around the world."
Aux quatre coins du monde is an expression. Literally, it means "to the four corners of the earth" and can be translated as "all around the world."
Next event is ...
[Normal] funérailles [Slow] funérailles
You can say Les funérailles sont un moment de deuil et de souvenir,
which means "A funeral is a time to grieve and remember."
Actually, funérailles is a formal word and usually French people use the noun enterrement, which literally means "burial."
[Normal] promotion [Slow] promotion
For example, Si j'ai une promotion je pourrais être augmentée.
This means "If I get a promotion, I could get a pay rise."
The French word si can be an adverb or a conjunction. When you start your sentence with si, you express an idea of a condition or a hypothesis that is attainable or feasible.
[Normal] déménager [Slow] déménager
This means "to move."
Déménager in French means "to move out." If you want to say "move in" use the word emménager. It's pretty similar, but the meaning is different.
Here is an example, J'ai déménagé en banlieue l'année dernière.
This means, "I moved to the suburbs last year."


Okay, that's all for this lesson. Which event do you like most? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
À bientôt!

