
Vocabulary (Review)

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Virginie: Hello, everyone! Bon jour!
JP: Bon jour! Are You Ready to Rock in France?
Virginie: Yes, hi! This is Virginie here!
JP: Hi, Virginie! Here!!
Virginie: How are you?
JP: Salut! I'm so excited to be able to brush up on this French that I started learning a long time ago.
Virginie: Well, we are all very happy to be with you, JP, today.
JP: I'm glad to be here with you, Virginie.
Virginie: Okay. What are we going to see in this lesson?
JP: In this lesson, we're going to learn to say the verb ""to come"" in French, right?
Virginie: The verb venir. This way you won't be left alone anymore.
JP: Okay. You can get somebody to come over.
Virginie: Yeah, exactly. Or you can say, ""I'm coming!"" Je viens!
JP: So what's going on with Rob today?
Virginie: Well Giulia is asking him to go to a concert with her.
JP: Okay. Rob is such a social butterfly. All right. Let's listen to this conversation.

Lesson conversation

Giulia: Je vais au concert de Daft Punk. Tu viens?
Rob: Mmm, peut-être. C’est où?
Gilulia: À la Boule Noire.
Rob: D’accord je viens.
Giulia: Jules et Clara viennent aussi.
Rob: Super! Et Marc?
Giulia: Ah, oui! Il vient aussi.
Rob: Nous venons tous!
Eric: One more time with the translation.
Giulia: Je vais au concert de Daft Punk. Tu viens?
Virginie: I am going to the Daft Punk show. Are you coming?
Rob: Mmm, peut-être. C’est où?
JP: Maybe. Where is it?
Gilulia: À la Boule Noire.
Virginie: At the Boule Noire.
Rob: D’accord je viens.
JP: Okay, I'm coming.
Giulia: Jules et Clara viennent aussi.
Virginie: Jules and Clara are coming too.
Rob: Super! Et Marc?
JP: Cool! And Mark?
Giulia: Ah, oui! Il vient aussi.
Virginie: Oh, yes! He's coming too!
Rob: Nous venons tous!
JP: We're all coming!
Virginie: So they're going to the Daft Punk show. They're very lucky.
JP: I have no idea who Daft Punk is. You better fill us in.
Virginie: Come on, JP. It's international.
JP: Really?
Virginie: Internationale, yes.
JP: Okay. I don't think I was paying attention at the time. When was it, the '90s?
Virginie: '90s.
JP: Are they French?
Virginie: They're French. It's electronic music. It's a duet, two guys. And you know, they got
famous in the 90s with the song ""Around the World."" Now if I sing it to you, I think you'll recognize it.
JP: Okay. Let's hear it.
Virginie: It goes, ""Around the world, around…""
JP: Let's hear it, Virginie.
Virginie: Around the world, around the…
JP: That's awesome! Oh yeah, I get it now. I get it. I know that song.
Virginie: Okay.
JP: Obviously, you can look that up on YouTube.com, right?
Virginie: Yes.
JP: So look up Daft Punk and then Around the World.
Virginie: Yes.
JP: I'll Google search that.
Virginie: You know, it's very, very strange, electronic voice.
JP: I got it from what you're singing. No, I didn't but…
Virginie: YouTube.com is the answer.
JP: That's right.
Virginie: But anyway, Guilia and Rob are going to la Boule Noire, which you probably don't know about.
JP: I do not know what la Boule Noire is. What is that, the Black Ball?
Virginie: Yes. So it's in Paris. It's in Pigalle. You know, Pigalle is the…
JP: It's the neighborhood south Montmartre.
Virginie: Yes.
JP: And it's kind of a seedy neighborhood, right? It's kind of the adult neighborhood.
Virginie: Yes. And I'm not going to say anything about Japanese tourists going there.
JP: No, but Americans, too, definitely.
Virginie: Yeah, yeah. A lot of tourists in Pigalle. And there are a lot of venues for music shows. That's where the la Boule Noire is and if you want to see a good rock show or a good electronic show, go there. It's very good! La Boule Noire.
JP: Okay. Let's take a look at the vocab in this lesson.
Virginie: First we have venir [natural native speed].
JP: To come.
Virginie: Venir [slowly - broken down by syllable], venir [natural native speed]. Then we have aller [natural native speed].
JP: To go.
Virginie: Aller [slowly - broken down by syllable], aller [natural native speed]. And then we have un concert [natural native speed].
JP: Concert.
Virginie: Un concert [slowly - broken down by syllable], un concert [natural native speed]. And then peut-être [natural native speed].
JP: Maybe.
Virginie: Peut-être [slowly - broken down by syllable], peut-être [natural native speed]. And finally, we have tous [natural native speed].
JP: All or every.
Virginie: Tous [slowly - broken down by syllable], tous [natural native speed].
JP: All right. Now, let's take a closer look at how these words and phrases are used.
Virginie: Let's take a look at ""un concert.""
JP: This is a concert.
Virginie: This is when you talk about any music show from classic to pop to rock. Any kind of music, ""un concert,"" right?
JP: Okay. So how do you say like a classical music concert?
Virginie: Un concert de musique classique.
JP: How about a rock concert?
Virginie: Un concert de rock.
JP: How about a jazz concert?
Virginie: Un concert de jazz.
JP: How about electro-techno music?
Virginie: Un concert de musique electro.
JP: Okay. I think that covers all the different kinds of concerts.
Virginie: Exactly, yes. So it's really easy. It's just ""un concert"" and then the little preposition ""de"" and then the type of music. All right. Then we have ""tous and toutes.""
JP: Okay. This is the French word for all and you just gave them masculine and feminine form.
Virginie: Exactly. So ""tous"" is in the dialogue.
JP: Nous venons tous! It's like we're all coming. All of us.
Virginie: Yes. And if it's only women talking, they're going to say, ""We're all coming."" ""Nous venons toutes.""
JP: That's the feminine version.
Virginie: Let's put it in another sentence just to give an example.
JP: All right. So if I wanted to say, ""We're all smart.""
Virginie: Nous sommes tous intelligents.
JP: What if I'm just talking about women?
Virginie: Nous sommes toutes intelligents.
JP: What if you're not smart? What if you're dumb? What if you're idiots?
Virginie: Vous etes tous idiots.
JP: We're all idiots.
Virginie: Yeah, it doesn't exist in the feminine form.
JP: Okay. Got it. If it did exist, you probably use ""toutes"" right?
Virginie: Yes, exactly.
JP: Okay. Just checking.
Virginie: All right then, ""peut-etre""
JP: Peut-etre. So this is our last vocab word today. It means ""maybe"" and it could be the answer when you don't know the answer, right? If it's not a ""oui"" and it's not a ""no"" it could be a ""peut-etre.""
Virginie: Yes. And that's ""maybe"" by itself. But if you want to say, ""Maybe I'm coming,"" you're going to have to add something right after ""peut-etre"" in your sentence. ""Peut-etre QUE je viens."" So you noticed the little ""que""?
JP: Hmm.
Virginie: Right off top of that ""peut-etre"" with ""que"" and then…
JP: And then…
Virginie: Whatever you're not sure about.
JP: In that case, maybe I'm coming or you could translate it, ""it could be that I'm coming.""
Virginie: Yes.
JP: Peut-etre que je viens.""
Virginie: Yeah. ""Peut-etre que je viens, Virginie.""
JP: It could be that I'm not Virginie. This is frightening a little bit in the studio with no other people, Virginie.
Virginie: Okay.
JP: Sometimes, she scares me.
Virginie: Yeah.
JP: Peut-etre que JP a faim.

Lesson focus

Virginie: Okay. Let's jump to the grammar. As we said before, it's the verb venir.
JP: Now, I've heard a bunch of different forms of ""venir"" in this dialogue.
Virginie: We heard ""I'm coming.""
JP: ""Je viens.""
Virginie: This one you know, I think we've seen it in the previous lesson. And then we have "" tu viens.""
JP: This is ""you're coming.""
Virginie: ""Tu viens."" Pretty easy. In the dialogue, we also have ""they're coming"" ""they come.""
JP: Right. It was Jules and Clara.
Virginie: ""Vien."" And then we have, ""He's coming, too.""
JP: ""Viennent aussi.""
Virginie: ""Viennent aussi."" And finally we have, ""We're all coming.""
JP: Nous venons tous!
Virginie: Nous venons tous! So you pretty much have everything here.
JP: Right. Je viens, tu viens, viennent, nous venons and…
Virginie: ""Vous venez"" is missing in the dialogue but it's ""vous venez"" you're coming.
JP: Okay. And then ""il vien.""
Virginie: Right, exactly. Pretty straightforward.
JP: Okay. So ""venir"" means ""to come"" and obviously the opposite is ""to go.""
Virginie: ""Aller.""
JP: ""Aller.""
Virginie: Yes. It's just like in English.
JP: Aller venir, to go or to come. Viola!
Virginie: To come, ""venir"" is used when you're coming along.
JP: Okay. When you're accompanying somebody.
Virginie: Yeah. Je viens.
JP: Okay. Or when you're arriving at a place. When you are departing, you're going to use, ""aller"" right, ""to go.""
Virginie: “Je vais au cinéma.” I'm here now, but I'm going to the movies. “Je vais au cinéma.”


Virginie: And I think we're done with this lesson.
JP: Excellent!
Virginie: Thank you very much and have a great day everyone!
JP: [*]
Virginie: [*]


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