
Vocabulary (Review)

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Eric: Want to Collect Seashells by the Seashore in France? In this lesson, you're going to be learning about the verb ""to go.""
Virginie: Yes, and by the end of this lesson, you will know how to tell your French friends where you are going.
Eric: So where is this conversation taking place?
Virginie: It is taking place at Jules and Clara's, right? Remember, they were going to a party there.
Eric: Right, with the French poodle. Okay. So Rob is speaking with somebody names Pauline.
Virginie: Yeah, I think they just met.
Eric: And they're on the terrace.
Virginie: Right. They're on the terrace, away from the French poodle.
Eric: Okay, very good. Okay. So let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Pauline: Je rentre tôt ce soir.
Rob: Qu’est-ce que tu fais demain?
Pauline: Je vais à la piscine.
Rob: Avec Jules et Clara?
Pauline: Non, ils vont à la mer.
Rob: Oh! Giulia va à la mer aussi, à La Baule.
Pauline: Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu fais demain ?
Rob: Je vais à la campagne chez un ami.
Eric: One more time with the translation.
Pauline: Je rentre tôt ce soir.
Virginie: I'm going home early tonight.
Rob: Qu’est-ce que tu fais demain?
Eric: What are you doing tomorrow?
Pauline: Je vais à la piscine.
Virginie: I'm going to the swimming pool.
Rob: Avec Jules et Clara?
Eric: With Jules and Sarah?
Pauline: Non, ils vont à la mer.
Virginie: No, they're going to the seaside.
Rob: Oh! Giulia va à la mer aussi, à La Baule.
Eric: Oh! Giulia is going to the sea too, to La Baule.
Pauline: Et toi, qu’est-ce que tu fais demain?
Virginie: What about you? What are you doing?
Rob: Je vais à la campagne chez un ami.
Eric: I'm going the country to my friends.
Virginie: So it seems that Guilia is going to La Baule.
Eric: Ah, and that's sort of like a trendy beach town?
Virginie: Yes, exactly.
Eric: What would say, maybe the equivalent of the Hamptons?
Virginie: Yeah. That's probably the best comparison you can have, the Hamptons of France.
Eric: Wow!
Virginie: Yes. It's two hours from Paris. It's beautiful. But you know, usually, Parisians either go to La Baule or they go to Normandy on the coast and you have a lot of beach towns and they're very, very sweet, very nice.
Eric: Ah, okay. What about in Normandy, does it rain all the time or…
Virginie: Well, yes. No, it rains more than anywhere else in France. That's for sure. But you can find some nice days too. You can hang out in the sand. That's a possible thing to do, definitely.
Eric: So La Baule, is that in Normandy?
Virginie: No, La Baule is not in Normandy. It's south. It's one the Atlantic Ocean. And it's called La Buale le Pins, which literally means La Baule the pines, you know for the trees because there are a lot of pines, pine trees.
Eric: Lovely, lovely.
Virginie: Yeah. Uh-hmm. It's very nice. If you guys have the opportunity to go, I really recommend it. It's a lot of fun.
Virginie: All right. Let's take a look at our vocabulary.
Virginie: Aller [natural native speed].
Eric: To go
Virginie: Aller [slowly - broken down by syllable], aller [natural native speed].
Eric: Then.
Virginie: Tôt [natural native speed].
Eric: Early.
Virginie: Tôt [slowly - broken down by syllable], tôt [natural native speed].
Eric: The next one.
Virginie: Demain [natural native speed].
Eric: Tomorrow.
Virginie: Demain [slowly - broken down by syllable], demain [natural native speed].
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: Une piscine [natural native speed].
Eric: A swimming pool.
Virginie: Une piscine [slowly - broken down by syllable], une piscine [natural native speed].
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: Avec [natural native speed].
Eric: With.
Virginie: Avec [slowly - broken down by syllable], avec [natural native speed].
Eric: All right.
Virginie: La mer [natural native speed].
Eric: The sea.
Virginie: La mer [slowly - broken down by syllable], la mer [natural native speed].
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: La campagne [natural native speed].
Eric: The country.
Virginie: La campagne [slowly - broken down by syllable], la campagne [natural native speed]
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: Un ami [natural native speed].
Eric: Masculine.
Virginia: Une amie.
Eric: Feminine. A friend.
Virginie: Un(e) ami(e) [slowly - broken down by syllable], un(e) ami(e) [natural native speed].
Eric: Okay.
Virginie: Rentrer [natural native speed].
Eric: To go or to turn home.
Virginie: Rentrer [slowly - broken down by syllable], rentrer [natural native speed].
Eric: And finally.
Virginie: Ils [natural native speed].
Eric: They (masculine).
Virginie: Ils [slowly - broken down by syllable], ils [natural native speed].
Virginie:So we have a new character here.
Eric: We do, Pauline.
Virginie: Yeah. I think she just met Rob at this party.
Eric: Wow! I wish she'll make it to season 2.
Virginie: I don't know, Absolute Beginner Season 2, Pauline, will you be there? We have to decide.
Eric: Pauline, you have to do something to make yourself worth it.
Virginie: Yeah, exactly.
Eric: Because either just your swimming.
Virginie: Pauline is actually telling Rob, yeah, I'm going to home, so she probably doesn't want to talk to him. I don't know. So she says, ""Je rentre tot ce soir.""
Eric: Which is, ""|'m going home early tonight.""
Virginie: Right. And the key word here is, ""tot.""
Eric: Early.
Virginie: Right. That's pretty easy. Very easy to pronounce, ""tot.""
Eric: Tot.
Virginie: Yeah.
Eric: Like your big toe.
Virginie: No, but it's the word for late.
Eric: ""Tard.""
Virginie: ""Tard."" Tard is late.
Eric: As in ""tardy"" in English.
Virginie: Exactly. So we have ""tot"" for early and ""tard"" for late. So what else do we have in our dialogue? We have ""rentrer,"" the verb ""rentrer.""
Eric: Right. And this is important when, ""to go home"" ""to return.""
Virginie: It's still Pauline here talking the same sentence. It's ""Je rentre tôt.""
Eric: I'm going home early.
Virginie: Right. The verb ""rentrer"" when you use it by itself, it means, all together ""to go home.""
Eric: Exactly, ""je rentrer.""
Virginie: Right. So if you just say ""je rentre,"" it means I'm going home. That's pretty easy.
Eric: You can also say, ""je rentre a la maison.""
Virginie: Right.
Eric: I'm going back home.
Virginie: ""Je rentre a la maison."" La maison is a house or a home.
Eric: And finally, say, you're abroad somewhere and you say, ""Je rentre en Espagne,"" “Je rentre aux États-Unis.” you're saying, ""I'm going back to where I'm from."" I'm going back to Spain, I'm going back to America.
Virginie: Je rentre en France.
Eric: I'm going back to France.

Lesson focus

Virginie: Let's take a look at our grammar now. What is our focus? The verb ""to go.""
Eric: Aller is one of the most important verbs, ""to go.""
Virginie: Allers. So we've seen already ""allers"" with ""on"" with ""ju"" with ""tu.""
Eric: Just a quick reminder, it's obviously an irregular verb, so it's “Je vais”,
Virginie: “Tu va” and I think that's all we saw in the previous lessons. So today we're going to see ""allers"" with il, elle, on and then the plural.
Eric: So with ""il or elle"" we're going to say ""il va"" ""on va"" ""elle va.""
Virginie: Right. For example, ""Il va un restaurant.""
Eric: He's going to a restaurant.
Virginie: ""Elle vont a la plage.”
Eric: She's going to the beach.
Virginie: ""On va au cinéma.”
Eric: ""We're going to the movies.""
Virginie: Yeah.
Eric: Okay. Now, what about if we want to say, ""nous"" ""we.""
Virginie: If you want to say, ""nous"" you're going to be saying, ""nous allons.”
Eric: ""nous allons.” so this is closer to infinitive ""allers."" ""nous allons.” We’re going to the movies.
Virginie: Yeah. Okay, let's talk about ""vous""
Eric: Right. ""Vous"" again is the plural ""you"" or for a group of several people.
Virginie: So if we talk to our listeners, “Vous allez au travail.” maybe you're on your way to work, right? So “Vous allez au travail.”
Eric: Are you going to work?
Virginie: And again, it can be the formal ""you"" and the plural ""you.""
Eric: Okay. So what do we have in our dialogue? We have the plural, right?
Virginie: We have Pauline saying, ""ils vont a la mer."" And she's talking about Jule and Clara.
Eric: So when it's a group, especially when it's mixed genders, it's going to be masculine.
Virginie: And if it was Clara and Guilia going to the beach, so two women, ""Elle vont a la mer."" Pretty easy. ""il vont, elle vont."" Let's have a quick recap. “Je vais à la mer."" I'm going to the sea. “Tu à va la mer."" You're going to the sea. Everyone is going to the sea.
Eric: Okay. Maybe we should stick to the example
Virginie: . “Nous allons à La Baule.”
Eric: We're going to La Baule.
Virginie: “Vous allez à Normandy.”
Eric: You're going to Normandy.
Virginie: You're going to Normandy. And finally we have ""il"" and ""elle vont."" You always have a good idea there, Eric. Give us an example.
Eric: “Ils vont à l'Espagne”
Virginie: Yeah, they're going to Spain.


Virginie: I think we're done with the grammar.
Eric: Okay. I think we're done too.
Virginie: Well thank you for listening and have a great day.
Eric: Thank you.


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