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Accelastudy for iphone

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Joined: April 30th, 2009 2:07 am

Accelastudy for iphone

Postby andy987s » April 30th, 2009 8:26 am

This is a surprising forum for a vendor! I applaud your openess.
Well I just downloaded Accelastudy French for my iphone (there is a free version with a limited vocabulary). At US$10 for 2600 words - I think it's good value. The interface is brillant. I like the way the flash cards 'speak' automatically without having to press the speaker icon. FP - can we put that on the wish list for your Pocket French iphone app?
So whilst I hope to learn a lot more at FP101 - grammer, context (and I'm addicted to Celine's voice). I think this is a useful app to build your vocab.
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