
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Sam: [*] Bonjour! Ca va? Hello guys.
Sylvain: Bonjour Céline, bonjour Sam!
Céline: Bonjour Sylvain, et bonjour Sam!
Sam: Bonjour, ça va? How are you?
Céline: Ca va bien merci. I’m good, thank you.
Sylvain: Très bien, très très bien.
Sam: So, guys, it’s great to have you back. What’s today’s lesson about?
Céline: The focus of this lesson is giving a very fine phone numbers.
Sam: And why is this important for today’s lesson?
Sylvain: A tourist in front of the ATM realized that his wallet was stolen, with no credit card, no euro and, of course, no emergency number to call, in case of bank card theft , he goes into the bank to ask for the 800 number to resolve his unfortunate issue with his bank card company.
Céline: This conversation takes place in a bank, between a bank teller and a tourist.
Sam: Who had his bank card stolen.
Sylvain: The speaker will be speaking formally.
Touriste: Vous avez le numéro de téléphone ?
Agent bancaire: Oui. 0-800-59-72-91.
Touriste: OK le 0-859-60-12-80-11 ?
Agent bancaire: Non, le 0-8-0-0-5-9-7-2-9-1 !
Touriste: Ah... un numéro de téléphone à 10 chiffres !
Sylvain: Now, slowly.
Touriste: Vous avez le numéro de téléphone ?
Agent bancaire: Oui. 0-800-59-72-91.
Touriste: OK le 0-859-60-12-80-11 ?
Agent bancaire: Non, le 0-8-0-0-5-9-7-2-9-1 !
Touriste: Ah... un numéro de téléphone à 10 chiffres !
Céline: Now with the English.
Sylvain: Vous avez le numéro de téléphone ?
Sam: “Do you have the phone number?”
Céline: Oui. 0-800-59-72-91.
Sam: “Yes. 0-800-59-72-91.”
Sylvain: OK le 0-859-60-12-80-11 ?
Sam: “Okay. 0-80059-60-12-80-11.”
Céline: Non, le 0-8-0-0-5-9-7-2-9-1 !
Sam: “No. 0-8-0-0-5-9-7-2-9-1.”
Sylvain: Ah... un numéro de téléphone à 10 chiffres !
Sam: “Ah, a ten-digit phone number.”
Sam: Wow, I’m confused with all these numbers. Not easy to be a newbie while in such stressful situation in an unknown place. Everything will be fine at the end, right?
Céline: Yes, of course. You know, in France, you always have an international service with people who speak English.
Sam: That’s a good thing, right?
Céline: Well, I think for you, yeah, that’s good.
Sam: But should I try to speak French in an emergency situation?
Sylvain: Anyway, it is written everywhere that we speak English, but it’s only written. You’ll need to speak French, I think.
Sam: Oh, so it’s a good idea to know these numbers up and down.
Sylvain: Yes.
Céline: I think so.
Sam: So, guys. Have you ever been in an emergency situation in France?
Sylvain: Lots of times.
Sam: Was it stressful?
Sylvain: It was.
Sam: So, guys, I noticed this was an 800 number.
Céline: Tout à fait. Exactly. But we’re going to talk about soon.
Sam: Okay. Let’s move on, then.
Céline: Okay.
Sam: Now, let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson.
Sam: The first item is…
Céline: Oui.
Sam: “Yes.”
Céline: Oui, Oui.
Sam: Next.
Sylvain: Numéro.
Sam: “Number.”
Sylvain: Numéro. Numéro.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Téléphone.
Sam: “Telephone.”
Céline: Téléphone. Téléphone.
Sam: Next.
Sylvain: Numéro de téléphone.
Sam: “Telephone number.”
Sylvain: Numéro de téléphone. Numéro de téléphone.
Sam: Next.
Céline: Chiffre.
Sam: “Digit.”
Céline: Chiffre, chiffre.
Sam: And lastly?
Sylvain: Avoir.
Sam: “To have.”
Sylvain: Avoir, avoir.
Sam: Now, let’s take a look at the usage for some of the items from this lesson.
Céline: Okay. Let’s look at the first phrase.
Sylvain: It is “Vous avez le numéro de téléphone?”.
Céline: The poor tourist got his credit card stolen and with this sentence, asks if the bank clerk has his company card emergency phone number.
Sam: Okay, the key information is?
Céline: Le numéro de téléphone.
Sam: Meaning “phone number”, right?
Sylvain: Yes, you can also shorten this phrase just with “le téléphone” being, in English, “the phone”.
Céline: Don’t forget to learn each vocabulary word with an article to know its gender.
Sam: That’s a nice tip, so you don’t run into gender problems later when talking or writing or communicating in French.
Sylvain: Notice the masculine article “le” in “le numéro de téléphone” or “le téléphone”. This article is a definite one. Because the speakers already know which phone number they are talking about.
Céline: In other words, the emergency phone of the credit card company.
Sam: How do we say “le” in English?
Sylvain: Simply “the”.
Sam: Oh, thank you. The next line we have…
Céline: “Oui” and some numbers.
Sylvain: That’s right. Here, the bank teller confirms that he has the phone number and give it to the tourist.
Céline: So, to agree or confirm something say “oui”, meaning “yes”.
Sam: Okay, or should I say “oui”?
Céline: Sam, nice practical illustration.
Sylvain: Another way to confirm an info is the universal “okay”. And in the next phrase when the tourist verify the phone number by saying “okay” instead of “oui”. Well, we’ll look at this number later today.
Sam: Apparently, he did not get the number right.
Céline: Aha, your intuition doesn’t lie to you.
Sam: But why is there the article “le” in the third phrase of the dialogue?
Sylvain: Simply because, here, the complete sentence should include “le numéro de téléphone” implied in the line.
Sam: The telephone number. Okay.
Céline: So, the following line is “non”, “no”.
Sam: That is the main clue that tells us that the tourist wrote down the wrong phone number.
Sylvain: Non is the opposite of “oui”. It’s used to refuse something or disconfirm a statement.
Sam: So, “non” is obviously “no” in English.
Céline: Oui exactement. Exactly.
Sam: Last phrase is another clue to confirm that the tourist misunderstood the phone number.
Céline: In “Ah, un numéro de téléphone à 10 chiffres”.
Sam: “Ah, a ten digit number.”
Céline: The tourist remembers that any French phone numbers have ten digits. At the same time, he realizes he had more digits in the phone number he took note of.
Sam: Wow, that’s some insight from the tourist’s thoughts. By the way, I never noticed there were ten digits in a French phone number.
Sylvain: That brings us to another important point of the lesson -how to say “phone number” in French.

Lesson focus

Sam: So, what are we going to go over?
Sylvain: Well, two digit number from 10 to 99.
Céline: Your glance seems to ask me why. Well, because regular phone numbers are given by digits of two.
Sam: But, in the dialogue, when the bank teller gives the number, he says three numbers.
Sylvain: This is a commercial number, as the 1-800] number in the U.S. for example.
Sam: Of course, that’s what I thought.
Céline: But why did you ask the question? Well, anyway. The first number encountered in this phrase is “zero” or “zéro” in French.
Sylvain: Then comes “800” or “huit cents” being the three first digit of a free number to call.
Sam: After, I can see in the dialogue “59”.
Céline: Cinquante-neuf. You say first the number 50 in French and add the last digit.
Sylvain: It is the same way from 17 to 69.
Sam: Okay, Céline, what’s your number in France? Tell us.
Céline: I’m not really if I want to give you my phone number. Are you a stalker, Sam?
Sam: Come on!
Céline: Okay, okay. So it’s zéro cinq, vingt-cinq, trente-deux, quarante-deux, quarante-six, cinquante-huit.
Sam: So, what do we have?
Céline: Zéro cinq.
Sam: Zero, five. Zero, five. That’s easy! Then?
Sylvain: Vingt-cinq.
Sam: “25.”
Céline: That’s right!
Sam: Next is?
Céline: Trente-deux.
Sam: That’s “32”, and after?
Sylvain: Quarante-six.
Sam: “46.”
Céline: Ouh c’est bien Sam!
Sam: And, finally, there’s “58”.
Céline: Cinquante-huit.
Sam: Ah, cinquante-huit. Fifty eight.
Céline: Oui. Now you’re mastering in numbers in French.
Sam: But what about the number 70 to 99?
Sylvain: We almost forgot. It’s a little bit more complicated, but we will give you a tip to clearly remember and understand it.
Céline: Numbers from 70 to 99 are special. As, 70, 80 and 90 don’t have their own denomination, as we saw in the previous lesson.
Sylvain: They are rather an equation. Let’s take 70.
Céline: That’s soixante-dix.
Sylvain: Okay, let’s take the example with 70. You take soixante...
Sam: 60.
Sylvain: ...et dix.
Sam: 10.
Sylvain: Soixante-dix.
Sam: Ah, 60 plus 10. I’m still a little bit confused. Can you give another example, please?
Céline: Okay. Let’s say you want to say 72. Take 60 and add 12.
Sam: Okay.
Céline: But keep in mind Sam that 70 is 60 plus 10, therefore “soixante-dix”. So, “72” is?
Sam: Oh, 60 plus 12 so I think it would be “soixante-douze”.
Céline: Soixante-douze. Bien!
Sylvain: You’re good.
Céline: You got it!
Sam: Oh, thank you. Okay, so we covered the 60s and 70s, but for further explications please check the PDF at FrenchPod101.com


Céline: I think this is the end of today’s lesson?
Sam: Of course, I was counting down the minutes.
Sylvain: Yeah.
Céline: Okay.
Sam: So, until the next lesson…
Sylvain: See you!
Céline: Au revoir!
Sam: A bientôt!
Sylvain: A bientôt!


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